Ukraine Without America
How Kyiv Can Persist in the Face of a Hostile Washington
“The Russians were the beneficiaries of any withholding of assistance or encouragement to the Ukraine. Again, Putin benefits. The Russians benefited, Putin did, when the president placed some doubt about our commitment to NATO, right from the start of his administration. All roads lead to Putin. Then, the president said, ‘Well, the reason I’m taking the troops out of Syria is because I promised in the campaign to bring the troops home.’ My question to him is, is Saudi Arabia home? Is Saudi Arabia home? […] He said ‘Well, the Saudi Arabians are paying for it.’ Really, we’re putting our troops in harm’s way for Saudi Arabia because they’re paying for it? […]
What it did do was cause a meltdown on the part of the president because he was unhappy with those questions.”
Nancy Pelosi: All Roads Lead to Putin
While many know about the July 2019 telephone call that ignited the Ukraine scandal,
most don’t know about the concurrent attempts by members of Trump’s inner circle
to take over Ukraine’s national gas company and bolster dangerous pro-Kremlin Ukrainian oligarchs
—moves that would have benefited Putin and destabilized Ukraine’s government and economy.
Here, Right Matters: An American Story by Alexander Vindman (2021). Harper. ISBN 978-0063079427.