Social SecurityEXCLUSIVE: Memo details Trump plan to sabotage the Social Security Administration (3/17/2025)Cuts to the Social Security Administration Threaten Millions of Americans’ Retirement and Disability Benefits (3/12/2025)In affidavit, former Social Security official says DOGE is putting benefits at risk (3/10/2025) Caleb EcarmaThe Greatest Threat to Social Security in Its 90-Year History (3/5/2025)O’Malley: DOGE cuts could soon trigger Social Security system ‘collapse’ (3/3/2025)Broadcast networks’ evening shows ignored a report showing Trump’s policies would hasten Social Security insolvency (10/22/2024)What’s the Fate of Social Security in a Brutally Unequal America? (2/1/2024)The House Republican Study Committee Budget Proposes Harsh Changes to Social Security (9/22/2023)Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history... There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things, Among them are H.L.Hunt ..., a few other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid. Dwight Eisenhower Republicans never liked the New Deal and they have a long history of attempting to roll Social Security back. (scroll down to see some of the attempts over the years.)
Rolling back supports for the most vulnerable while passing tax cuts for the wealthy is the sign of a sociopath. That's who Republicans are voting for. The financial services industry has donated large amounts of money to both Republicans and Democrats, and the one thing that both parties can agree is that they need to fix Social Security. Well funded ( and right wing) ‘think’ tanks like the CATO Institute and the Concord Coalition have been promoting the idea that Social Security is in deep trouble, and that in another thirty years or so, that it will not be able to keep paying full benefits. The mainstream press never questions that there is a problem.
Projections that Social Security will be in trouble rest on the
premise that the economy will grow at a rate considerably below its
long-term average. Low long-term rates of growth imply a period of
economic decline that would itself be news. At average long-term
growth rates, there is not much of problem and it is certainly not
an emergency. See the article, “Nine Misconceptions about
Social Security” in Atlantic for July 1998. ![]() After a severe economic downturn in the 1930’s Social Security was designed as an insurance program, a stimulus for broad-based demand, and a damper for the business cycle. Paul Krugman in Foreign Affairs magazine wrote there is now an eerie similarity in today’s markets to those of 1929. George Soros has written that uncontrolled capital flows act like a wrecking ball that can destroy national economies and possibly render international mechanisms ineffective. The widening distribution of income is also likely to result in a more volatile economy. You may want to go it alone, but a lot of us don’t. According to the privatizers, the Social Security guarantee would better be converted into a risk based program. Most people are not market savy, and, although investing can be educational, past returns are not assured for the future. When the politicians say they will ‘fix’ Social Security, keep in mind that all proposals before the Congress will reduce benefits. Anyway there are already sufficient numbers of ‘private accounts’ like 401K; IRAs, Roth IRAs, Medical Savings Accounts (MSA’s), and others so that adding a new species of account can only further complicate the tax code. The privatizers ignore other functions of Social Security
including disability payments or survivors benefits. Republicans are still anxious to 'privatize' it. ![]() — QueenofDenial 👸✋ (@AmySimpson6) June 25, 2024 Top 5 Social Security MythsMyth #1: Social Security is going broke. Reality: There is no Social Security crisis. By 2023, Social Security will have a $4.6 trillion surplus (yes, trillion with a 'T'). It can pay out all scheduled benefits for the next quarter-century with no changes whatsoever.1 After 2037, it'll still be able to pay out 75% of scheduled benefits—and again, that's without any changes. The program started preparing for the Baby Boomers' retirement decades ago.2 Anyone who insists Social Security is broke probably wants to break it themselves. Myth #2: We have to raise the retirement age because people are living longer. Reality: This is a red-herring to trick you into agreeing to benefit cuts. Retirees are living about the same amount of time as they were in the 1930s. The reason average life expectancy is higher is mostly because many fewer people die as children than they did 70 years ago.3 What's more, what gains there have been are distributed very unevenly—since 1972, life expectancy increased by 6.5 years for workers in the top half of the income brackets, but by less than 2 years for those in the bottom half.4 But those intent on cutting Social Security love this argument because raising the retirement age is the same as an across-the-board benefit cut. Myth #3: Benefit cuts are the only way to fix Social Security. Reality: Social Security doesn't need to be fixed. But if we want to strengthen it, here's a better way: Make the rich pay their fair share. If the very rich paid taxes on all of their income, Social Security would be sustainable for decades to come.5 Right now, high earners only pay Social Security taxes on the first $106,000 of their income.6 But conservatives insist benefit cuts are the only way because they want to protect the super-rich from paying their fair share. Myth #4: The Social Security Trust Fund has been raided and is full of IOUs Reality: Not even close to true. The Social Security Trust Fund isn't full of IOUs, it's full of U.S. Treasury Bonds. And those bonds are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States.7 The reason Social Security holds only treasury bonds is the same reason many Americans do: The federal government has never missed a single interest payment on its debts. President Bush wanted to put Social Security funds in the stock market—which would have been disastrous—but luckily, he failed. So the trillions of dollars in the Social Security Trust Fund, which are separate from the regular budget, are as safe as can be. Myth #5: Social Security adds to the deficit Reality: It's not just wrong—it's impossible! By law, Social Security's funds are separate from the budget, and it must pay its own way. That means that Social Security can't add one penny to the deficit.8 Defeating these myths is the first step to stopping Social Security cuts. Can you share this list now? Thanks for all you do. –Nita, Duncan, Daniel, Kat, and the rest of the team of Sources: 1."To Deficit Hawks: We the
People Know Best on Social Security," New Deal 2.0, June 14,
2010 2. "The Straight Facts on
Social Security," Economic
Opportunity Institute,
September 2009 3. "Social Security and the
Age of Retirement," Center for Economic and Policy Research, June
2010 4. "More on raising the
retirement age," Washington
Post, July 8, 2010 5. "Social Security is
sustainable," Economic and Policy Institute, May 27, 2010 6. "Maximum wage
and the amount for a credit in 2010," Social
Security Administration, April
23, 2010 7. "Trust Fund FAQs,"
Security Administration, February 18, 2010 8."To Deficit Hawks: We the
People Know Best on Social
Security," New Deal 2.0, June 14, 2010
"There is huge pressure to turn people into pathological monsters who care only about themselves, who don't have anything to do with anyone else, and who therefore can be very easily ruled and controlled. That's what lies behind the attack on Social Security. And it reflects a deep imperative that runs through the whole doctrinal system." Noam Chomsky: Imperial Ambitions p146
To: President Donald J. Trump You ran on a promise to protect Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. And yet your nominees for HHS and OMB have made clear in their confirmation hearings they have no intention of honoring that promise. These men cannot be trusted to protect earned benefits. We demand that you withdraw both nominations and keep your promise to the American people to protect our earned benefits for current and future generations. National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare How to Fight the New GOP Scheme To Kill Social Security & Medicare (8/4/2022)Social Security Administration is preparing to bar 500,000 Americans from getting benefits (12/7/2020)Is Trump Defunding Social Security and Medicare? Concerns Mount After President's Executive Order (8/9/2020)Truly Remaking Social Security is the Key to Having a Livable Society in the US (2/16/2020)Trump administration proposes Social Security rule changes that could cut off thousands of disabled recipients (12/12/2019)Trump said he wouldn’t cut Medicaid, Social Security, and Medicare. His 2020 budget cuts all 3. (4/12/2019)
" cutting Social Security benefits, rather than raising financial speculation taxes, or other progressive taxes, cannot honestly be called making tough choices. It is making a cowardly choice. It is serving the interests of the rich and powerful at the expense of the vast majority of the population." Dean Baker
Mitch McConnell says it out loud: Republicans are gunning for Social Security, Medicare and Obamacare next (10/19/2018)Trump
and Ryan Agree: Let’s Dismantle Social Security (5/16/2016)
Republicans wanted to privatize Social Security and allow you to manage your own money. You still think that is a good idea after the last couple of years of financial meltdown ? Well, guess what. They are still determined to do it.
Looting Social Security (1/5/2010) William Greider, The Nation.
The People's Pension: The Struggle to Defend Social Security Since Reagan, Eric Laursen
Why are Democrats losing the Social Security Issue ?
Analytical Papers on Preserving and Strengthening Social Security