Star Wars

" ...since work at the United Nations began in 1985 on a treaty seeking, as its title declares, the Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space, the U.S. has not supported it. Canada, Russia and China have been leaders in urging passage of this PAROS treaty, and there has been virtually universal backing from nations around the world. But by balking, U.S. administration after administration has prevented its passage. With the Trump administration, more than non-support of the PAROS treaty is probable. A drive by the U.S. to weaponize space appears in the offing." Counterpunch
China for years has been in the lead at the United Nations in trying to establish treaties that would preserve space for peaceful uses. The United States has blocked such efforts unilaterally - it goes back to Clinton, incidentally, but intensified substantially with Bush - increasing the likelihood of an arms race in space, which very significantly increases the risk of even accidental destruction. And it could mean terminal destruction. But the U.S. government proceeds, knowing the risks and just not caring about them." What We Say Goes Noam Chomsky
China and Russia have proposed drafts of treaties that would ostensibly ban weapons in space. Riederer quotes an American diplomat who has said both drafts are “fundamentally flawed.” As a former British diplomat, I understand the administration’s skepticism. But these draft treaties, for all their weaknesses, could at least provide a starting point for further discussion. If it was possible to negotiate major arms-control treaties at the height of the Cold War, it ought to be possible to do so now. However difficult the process may be, failing to even try is dangerous and negligent. David Barrie (Harpers January 2022)
the United States, the former Soviet Union and the United Kingdom put the Outer Space Treaty together, and it's been now supported by virtually all the countries of the world. For example, in Nukes in Space, I interviewed Craig Eisendrath, who was a young US State Department officer deeply involved in the creation of the Outer Space Treaty. And he says that what we were trying to do was to de-weaponize space before it got weaponized. And now, Trump with his Space Force, the sixth branch of the US Armed Forces, he would just leave the Outer Space Treaty in tatters, and there’d be the arming of the heavens. Karl Grossman

US ICBMs Are Superfluous and Increase the Risk of Mistaken Nuclear War, Report Finds (6/2020)

Putting the Hype in Hypersonic Weapons (2/7/2019)

Trump announces huge expansion of US missile defense system (1/17/2019)

Inside the epic debate on rethinking our 50-year-old Outer Space Treaty (9/24/2018)

The Dangerous Illusion of Missile Defense: (2/11/2018)

Shielded from Oversight: The Disastrous US Approach to Strategic Missile Defense (2016)

Russia Hints At Nuclear War After US Deploys Ballistic Missile Shield (5/12/2016)

Nuclear Nightmare Redux. U.S. “First Strike” Nuclear Attacks. “Three Minutes to Midnight” (6/26/2015)

GAO Reports that US Missile Shield For Europe is Flawed (2/10/2013)

Missile Defense Debate(2012) Video

Why Moscow does not Trust Washington on Missile Defense. Towards a Pre-emptive Nuclear War? (12/1/2011)

The Next Frontier: Trump and Space Weapons (12/7/2016)

Report: U.S. Missile Defense Program, Exempt from Standard Oversight Procedures, is Costly and Unreliable (7/14/2016)

" turned out that the notion of a missile gap favoring Soviets, or any large Soviet ICBM capability in the late fities or early sixties, was as much of an illusion as the claims that Saddam Hussein had WMDs in 2003. He Had nothing, and the Russians had four ICBMs." Daniel Ellsberg quoted in Loving This Planet, Helen Caldicott

The only concrete achievement of three decades of missile defense research and development so far has been to make Russia suspicious of U.S. intentions. Even now, rightly or not, Russia is extremely concerned about the planned installation of U.S. missile defenses in Europe that Washington insists will be focused on future Iranian nuclear weapons. Moscow feels that they could just as easily be turned on Russia. William D. Hartung (7/8/2012)

"The Russians really have security problems. They were practically destroyed a couple of times in the last century by Germany alone. In 1990, Mikhail Gorbachev made the quite remarkable concession of allowing the unification of Germany within the NATO military alliance. So a country that had practically destroyed Russia twice in that century was allowed to be part of a huge hostile military alliance, always aimed at Russia, of course. It was an incredible gesture by Gorbachev, but there was a quid pro quo. The George Bush I administration had to pledge that NATO would not expand eastward. That was the bargain. Clinton came in and broke the bargain. He expanded NATO to the east. Now the United States is planning to put an anti missile system in eastern Europe, claiming it’s going to stop missiles from Iran. Just think it through. Suppose Iran had nuclear weapons and missiles that could reach Europe. Under what conditions would they ever use them? In a first strike against Europe? Unless they’re determined to commit suicide, Iran would never do that.  Any possibility however remote, of an Iranian missile aimed at Europe is a deterrent against U.S. attack.

The Russians have every reason to regard an anti missile system as part of a first-strike weapon against them. Suppose the Russians were putting up an anti missile system in Canada. Do you think the United State would cheer? We would go to war, because we understand it to be a first-strike weapon. And so do they, and So do analysts on all sides. Nevertheless we’re going ahead with it, increasing the threat of destruction.

China for years has been in the lead at the United Nations in trying to establish treaties that would preserve space for peaceful uses. The United States has blocked such efforts unilaterally—it goes back to Clinton, incidentally, but intensified substantially with Bush— increasing the likelihood of an arms race in space, which very significantly increases the risk of even accidental destruction. And it could mean terminal destruction. But the U.S. government proceeds, knowing the risks and just not caring about them." Noam Chomsky: What We Say Goes

"The militarization of space means, in effect, placing the entire world at risk of instant annihilation with no warning. What do Steinbruner and Gallagher [Daedalus] suggest as a remedy ? They hope that a coalition of peace-loving states led by China will coalesce to counter U.S. militarism and aggressiveness. That's the only hope they see for the future. One of the interesting aspects of this argument is the despair or contempt - I don't know what the right word is - for U.S. democracy: the United States can't be changed internally, so let's hope China will rescue us. It is unprecedented to hear this kind of thinking at the heart of the establishment. What I wrote in Hegemony or Survival is mild in comparison." Noam Chomsky: Imperial Ambitions pg 168

In 1983 ... there was a major war scare. This was in part due to what George Kennan, the eminent diplomat, at the time called “the unfailing characteristics of the march towards war – that, and nothing else.” It was initiated by programs the Reagan administration undertook as soon as Reagan came into office. They were interested in probing Russian defences, so they simulated air and naval attacks on Russia.

This was a time of great tension. US Pershing missiles had been installed in Western Europe, with a flight time of about five to ten minutes to Moscow. Reagan also announced his ‘Star Wars’ program, understood by strategists on both sides to be a first strike weapon. In 1983, Operation Able Archer included a practice that “took Nato forces through a full-scale simulated release of nuclear weapons.” The KGB, we have learnt from recent archival material, concluded that armed American forces had been placed on alert, and might even have begun the countdown to war. Noam Chomsky

Russian Missiles May 'Take Out' U.S. Missile Defenses (11/23/2011)

Russians Refuted US Claim of Iranian Missile Threat to Europe (11/30/2010)

Bruce Gagnon Talk (2006)

Reagan Redux, The Eunduring Myth Of Star Wars

Weaponization of Space ?

SM-3 Missile Interceptor May Succeed Only 20 Percent of the Time. (5/18/2010)

MIT's Missile Defense Cover Up

International Legal Agreements Relevant to Space Weapons (2/11/2004)

BMD (Ballistic Missile Defense) is a boondoggle. Its failure can best be seen when the US votes alone at the UN on weaponizing space. It will continue to fail in performance also. David Parnas wrote extensively for the ACM about the software impossibility of such a project, but there are other, probably greater, difficulties. Ted Postal of MIT detailed a few. Hear this streaming audio.

Here is an overview. See also Nukes.

SourceWatch on National Missile Defense

The High Cost of Another Failed Star Wars Test (2/11/2010)

Dangerous Missile Battle In Space: Fifth Act In U.S. Missile Shield Drama (9/30/2009)

Defensible Missile Defense

Nukes Treaty gives GOP weapon on Missile Defense

Missile Defense failed to stop airliners on 9/11

Weapons in Space: Silver Bullet or Russian Roulette

Cuts may be coming in missile defense (3/31/2009)

Obama seeks ban on Space Weapons (1/26/2009)

Missile Defense News

Why is the US Pouring Billions into BMD ?

Russia could Nuke Poland for BMD

Russia to move rockets to EU border if Poland hosts US missile shield 07 Aug 2008

Star Wars in the Czech Republic

Large majorities oppose weapons in space. (January 23, 2008)

Militarization of Space (11/15/2007)

Russia warns US on defense plans (10/27/2007)


Unseemly ABM situation

The Paradox of Missile Defense

Star Wars: Dangerous, Costly, and Unworkable.

Federation of American Scientists on BMD


War from Space (video.)

about Missile Defense (NO SPACE WAR)

US Missile defence: a destabilising provocation


Shielded from Oversight: The Disastrous US Approach to Strategic Missile Defense (2016)

Reconsidering the Rules For Space Security (download this pdf)

Arguments that Count, Physics, Computing, and Missile Defense, 1949-2012 By Rebecca Slayton

Beyond The Looking Glass: The United States Military in 2000 and Later.

ABM: An Evaluation of the Decision to Deploy an Antiballistic Missile System: Abram Chayes and Jerome B. Wiesner

Brief History of Ballistic Missile Defense and Current Programs in the United States


CDI - Center for Defense Information (NO SPACE WAR)

Investigate 9/11 World Trade Ctr. "attacks":

"Blessed are the peacemakers." (Matthew 5:9)
"Love one another as I have loved you." (John 15:12)
"LOVE YOUR ENEMIES, pray for those who persecute you." (Matthew 5:44)

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