Global WarmingTwo-thirds of the Earth’s surface experienced record heat in 2024. See where and by how much – visualised (2/20/2025)2024 was hottest year on record for world’s land and oceans, US scientists confirm (1/10/2025)Potential Impacts of Climate ChangeAmerica’s Red Snow: Hottest Winter on Record, Largest Wildfires in Texas History (3/9/2024) Juan Cole‘Paying in lives’: health of billions at risk from global heating, warns report (11/14/2023)Heat-related deaths in 2022 hit highest level on record in England (9/22/2023)Racism at heart of US failure to tackle deadly heatwaves, expert warns (8/6/2023)WMO: July to be Hottest month on Record, as World enters era of Global Boiling, Global Burning (7/30/3023)Global Temperature to 2021 (NASA) see the animation.The greenhouse gases we release today shape the world of the future. We don't have the luxury of waiting for devastating disasters to scare us into action. Forecast, The Consequences of Climate Change from the Amazon to the Arctic, from Darfur to Napa Valley by Stephan Faris (2009) . . . anthropogenic climate change is a matter of basic physics: CO2 is a greenhouse gas, which means it traps heat in the Earth’s atmosphere. So if you put additional CO2 into that atmosphere, above and beyond what’s naturally there, you have to expect the planet to warm. Basic physics. And guess what? We’ve added a substantial amount of CO2 to the atmosphere, and the planet has become hotter. We can fuss about the details of natural variability, cloud feedbacks, ocean heat and CO2 uptake, El Nino cycles and the like, but the answer that you get from college-level physics -- more CO2 means a hotter planet -- has turned out to be correct. The details may affect the timing and mode of climate warming, but they won’t stop it." Naomi Oreskes As Global Heat Waves Break Records in Mideast and Elsewhere, How Hot is too Hot for us Humans? (7/20/2023)America's hottest city is nearly unlivable in summer. Can cooling technologies save it? (1/27/2022) GuardianA Hotter Future Is Certain, Climate Panel Warns. But How Hot Is Up to Us. (8/9/2021)Extreme heat waves in a warming world don't just break records - they shatter them (7/27/2021)German Scientists: Without Drastic Climate Action, World could be headed to Dangerous 7.2 F. extra Heating (3/14/2021)
Watching Earth Burn (12/28/2020)The following is from Greta Thunberg Speaks the Horrific Truth of Humanity's Fate At 412 ppm and rising, experts said temperature rises of 3-4C are likely now locked in. What does any honest scientist have to say about mankind's prospects in a 4 degree C world: "There is a widespread view that a +4 degree C future is incompatible with an organized global community, is likely to be beyond adaptation, is devastating to the majority of ecosystems and has a high probability of not being stable." Professor Kevin Anderson, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research (Video, 58:00) "We have already observed impacts of climate change on agriculture. We have assessed the amount of climate change we can adapt to. There's a lot we can't adapt to even at 2C. At 4C the impacts are very high and we cannot adapt to them." Rachel Warren, University of East Anglia "There is a growing sense of panic in those who really understand what a 4 degree C world might be like." Prof. Will Steffan, Director of the Australian National University Climate Change Institute "Thinking through the implications of 4 degrees of warming shows that the impacts are so significant that the only real adaptation strategy is to avoid that at all cost because of the pain and suffering that is going to cost." Prof. Neil Adger, University of Exeter "there is also no certainty that adaptation to a 4 degree C world is possible. A 4 degree C world is likely to be one in which communities, cities and countries would experience severe disruptions, damage, and dislocation, with many of these risks spread unequally. It is likely that the poor will suffer most and the global community could become more fractured, and unequal than today. The projected 4 degree C warming simply must not be allowed to occur." World Bank report (2012) Turn down the heat: why a 4 degree C warmer world must be avoided "If we don't reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ultimately stabilize CO2 - and we also have to draw down a lot of carbon out of the atmosphere. If we don't achieve that, there's no real prospect for a stable society or even a governable society." Jason Box, Prof in glaciology at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland To solve everything, solve climate (9/1/2020)(8/7/2022 Washington Post) In Iraq the temperature is 125, the electricity failed so no air conditioning. Heat is rising everywhere, seems humanity is much like the frog in slowly boiling water. Too paralyzed to do anything about it. “When I was a graduate student, I wrote to Carl Sagan, then an assistant professor at Harvard University, who sent me a stack of his papers on the atmosphere of Venus, our nearest planetary neighbor. We all still hoped that beneath the ubiquitous, pale lemon-yellow clouds that shrouded Venus lay a hospitable landscape with oceans or at least large lakes. Even if we found no dancing nymphs, at least Venus could be a second home for refuge, if we should mess up our home planet. ‘Earth might end up like Venus! Temperatures here may rise to 250 degrees centigrade and raining sulfuric acid!’ It is said by one of the world’s leading theoretical physicists, and cannot be ignored. Steven Hawking warned this in a recent talk in China, stating that he is ‘very worried about global warming.”
Killer Heat in the United States: Climate Choices and the Future of Dangerously Hot Days (2019)This Map Shows How Unbearably Hot It Will Be in Your Town When Youre Old (7/20/2019)Global Warming: How Hot, Exactly, Is it Going to Get? (5/12/2019)
Climate change is a global injustice. A new study shows why. (9/26/2018)Thirty years later, what needs to change in our approach to climate change (6/27/2018)The 10 Hottest Global Years on Record (1/18/2018)United States withdrawal from the Paris Agreement
A scientific consensus on climate change does indeed exist. Here is a study about the consensus itself:
Antarctica Is Melting Three Times as Fast as a Decade Ago (6/13/2018)An overview of "resilience" and climate change (2/19/2018)Averting
a World of Failed States and Resource Wars (11/3/2015)
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Bill McKibben | ||||
The Guardian UK, says: "James Hansen, one of the world's leading climate scientists, will today call for the chief executives of large fossil fuel companies to be put on trial for high crimes against humanity and nature, accusing them of actively spreading doubt about global warming in the same way that tobacco companies blurred the links between smoking and cancer."
Monbiot is alarmed at Hansen's
"The United States, having failed to defeat Kyoto, may be in the process of doing something even more damaging: ruining the chances of reaching a post-Kyoto agreement." ...from Field Notes from a Catastrophe by Elizabeth Kolbert.
The IPCC. has released its 2007 report. You can watch a video from MIT AGS (Alliance for Global Sustainability meeting presentation lasts about 45 minutes).
If you are really interested in what we know about climate change, go to
3564 articles about climate change from The Guardian. Compare with US press coverage.
Al Gore's Nobel prize acceptance speech (12/11/07)
House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming
The Stern Report warns that we cannot wait to mitigate damage.
Download a report on climate change.
Global Warming Nears "Dangerous" Level
parts per million: Bill McKibbon (12/28/2007)
One degree and we're done for
Global Temperature Highest in Millennia
Coal Will Be Top Enemy in Fighting Global Warming
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Climate Change: a window to act.
The Earth today stands in imminent peril ...and nothing short of a planetary rescue will save it from the environmental cataclysm of dangerous climate change. Those are not the words of eco-warriors but the considered opinion of a group of eminent scientists writing in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. 19 Jun 2007 Six scientists from some of the leading scientific institutions in the United States have issued what amounts to an unambiguous warning to the world: civilization itself is threatened by global warming. They also implicitly criticize the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for underestimating the scale of sea-level rises this century as a result of melting glaciers and polar ice sheets... That is why, they say, planet Earth today is in "imminent peril".
Arctic spring's 'rapid advance' 18 Jun 2007 Spring in the Arctic is arriving "weeks earlier" than a decade ago, a team of Danish researchers have reported. Ice in north-east Greenland is melting an average of 14.6 days earlier than in the mid-1990s, bringing forward the date plants flower and birds lay eggs.
U.K. has the second warmest winter since records began 01 Mar 2007 The U.K. experienced the second warmest winter on record this year with mean temperature touching 5.47 degrees Celsius, according to the Met Office. January was also the second-warmest January on record with a mean of 6 degrees Celsius... The office has been maintaining national records of temperatures since 1914.
Netherlands experiences warmest winter on record 01 Mar 2007 The winter of 2006-2007 was the warmest since measurements began in 1706, the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) said on its website Wednesday. The average temperature this winter was 6.5 degrees Celsius, much higher than the average temperature of 3.3 degrees for the winter months, said the KNMI.
Shanghai has warmest winter on record 01 Mar 2007 Shanghai, China's largest city, has experienced its warmest winter since records began in 1873, the official Xinhua news agency reported on Thursday. The average temperature over the past three months was 8.1 degrees Celsius (46.6 Fahrenheit), 2.6 degrees warmer than the previous average, Xinhua quoted the Shanghai Meteorological Bureau as saying.
Taiwan sees 2nd warmest winter of last 30 years: CWB 03 Mar 2007 As the spring season has come, the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) said that Taiwan experienced warmer than average temperatures this past winter. Taiwan's average temperature between this past December and February in the flatlands was 19.49 degrees Celsius, some 1.45 degrees higher than the annual winter average of 18.04 degrees, the CWB said.
Climate Change Impact More Extensive than Thought 02 Mar 2007 Global climate change is happening faster than previously believed and its impact is worse than expected, information from an as-yet unpublished draft of the long-awaited second part of a United Nations report obtained by SPIEGEL ONLINE reveals. No region of the planet will be spared and some will be hit especially hard.
The Weather Channel
National Geographic on the movie, An Inconvenient Truth (see his Nobel Prize acceptance speech)
Report from the Connecticut Fund for the Environment.
Top 50 Twitter climate accounts to follow
The Telegraph (UK) news about Siberia's forest fires,12374,1546824,00.html
Nomad Century, How Climate Migration will Reshape Our World by Gaia Vince
The Uninhabitable Earth: A Story of the Future: David Wallace-Wells
Storms of My Grandchildren: James Hansen
Merchants of Doubt: Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway
Climate Wars: Gwynne Dyer
Stick: Michael E Mann
Under a Green Sky:- Peter D. Ward Ph.D (See Ward's video message.)
Deep Future, the Next 100,000 Years of Life on Earth: Curt Stager
Emissions Gap Report: UNEP November 2012
Climate Cover-up, the Crusade to Deny Global Warming: James Hoggan with Richard Littlemore
Weather of the Future: Heidi Cullen
The Climate War: Eric Pooley
With Speed and Violence: Fred Pearce speculates on many possible non-linearities in climate change. Beacon Press 2007.
The Bridge at the End of the World: Gus Speth (2008)
The Heat is On: Ross Gelbspan
Heat: How to Stop the Planet From Burning: George Monbiot
The Next One Hundred Years: Jonathan Weiner
The Creation, An Appeal to Save Life on Earth, E. O. Wilson
Censoring Science: Inside the political attack on Dr. James Hansen and the Truth of Global Warming. Mark Bowen.
Fight Global Warming: Bill McKibben
Hell and High Water: Joseph Romm
Straight Up: Joseph J. Romm
IPCC report (January 2007), dissed by US media, "says global warming will happen faster and be more devastating than previously thought".
Connecticut Fund for the Environment on Global Warming.
Berkley Earth Surface
Pew Center on Global Climate Change
American Meteorological Society
See Environment also
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Be part of the "Virtual March on Washington" that allows individuals to sign up and express their commitment to stop global warming. See the warning at the Global Warming Action Network.