LaborI think that what explains the vote for Trump or the vote for Marine Le Pen in France is primarily job losses in manufacturing due to trade competition, rather than an inflow of migrants. Thomas Piketty (NYT) Trump will destroy the government agencies that most help working people (12/16/2024)What does it actually mean when we talk about the American 'working class'? (12/3/2024)Unions who think Republicans are warming to labor rights are getting played (7/23/2024)How Donald Trump Worked to Destroy America's Labor Unions (6/18/2024)Republicans Plan to wage Class Warfare on Working People (4/10/2024)Beyond the 4-Day Workweek: Unveiling the Capitalist Roots of Worker Anomie and the Quest for Meaningful Labor (4/9/2024)
The whole U.S. private sector is passionate about destroying the union movement. This has been going on for a long time, but now they really think they can strangle it because it's the core of activism for almost anything. Take a look at, say, healthcare. In Canada, in the 50s, it was the unions who were pressing hard for national healthcare, and kind of interestingly, in the U.S. the same unions were pressing for healthcare for themselves, auto workers in Detroit. These are two pretty similar countries, but with this striking difference in outcomes on healthcare. Noam Chomsky Freedom from trade unions and collective bargaining means the freedom to suppress wages. Freedom from regulation means the freedom to poison rivers, endanger workers, charge iniquitous rates of interest and design exotic financial instruments. Freedom from tax means freedom from the distribution of wealth that lifts people out of poverty." Neoliberalism – the ideology at the root of all our problems "the real incomes of middle class families have grown twice as fast under Democrats as they have under Republicans, while the real incomes of working poor families have grown six times as fast under Democrats as they have under Republicans." Larry Bartels, Unequal Democracy, the Political Economy of the New Gilded Age Workers are flexing collective power in major strikes, workplace actions and organizing drives, as they are forced to fight battles that labor won decades earlier: over workplace safety, an eight-hour day, vacation, sick leave, a living wage, health care and retirement security. But even as workers build power and wield it, we are thwarted by laws and judges who reliably side with corporations over workers. America's Judges Are Putting My Life on the Line (11/11/2021) NYT It is difficult to overstate the hostility of the Roberts court to organized labor and the rights of American workers. Jamelle Bouie in the NYT (6/6/2023) The world's workers have always been and still are the world's slaves. They have borne all the burdens of the race and built all the monuments along the tracks of civilization, they have conquered all things but their own freedom. They are still the subject class in every nation on earth and the chief function of every government is to keep them at the mercy of their masters. Trader Joe's and Starbucks are helping Elon Musk undermine the US government (4/17/2024)We must start preparing the US workforce for the effects of AI - now (2/29/2024)Nikki Haley Is Proud Of Her 'Union-Buster' Record (12/9/2023)Trump stabbed labor over and over. Now he says he supports striking auto workers? (9/25/2023)Why this Labor Day is so consequential (9/4/2023) Bernie SandersBig business lobbies against heat protections for workers as US boils (7/31/2023)Bernie Sanders Reintroduces PRO Act as Labor Activity Is on the Rise (2/28/2023)'Unions benefit all of us': new Biden plan encourages federal workers to unionize (2/7/2022)Identifying the policy levers generating wage suppression and wage inequality By Lawrence Mishel and Josh Bivens (5/13/2021)
Labor Network For Sustainability Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms
Labor BlogsNational Employment Law Project Institute for Global Labor and Human Rights
Many European countries spend 1 to 3 percent of their GDP to retrain their workers. America spends 0.24 percent. This failure to take care of American workers led to an inevitable populist backlash resulting ultimately in the election of Donald Trump.
The fruits of the toil of millions are boldly stolen to build up colossal fortunes for a few, unprecedented in the history of mankind; and the possessors of those, in turn, despite the Republic and endanger liberty. From the same prolific womb of governmental injustice we breed the two great classes - tramps and millionaires. PREAMBLE TO THE PLATFORM OF THE PEOPLE'S PARTY, 1892
Bernie Sanders launches investigation into working conditions at Amazon (6/20/2023)Working people who vote Republican are not voting in their own self interest. By promising white supremacy, the GOP cons people into voting against their own self-interest. Republicans are tireless in opposing unions, reducing wages, being sure the minimum wage is as low as possible, and otherwise avoiding any expense for benefits like healthcare, Social Security, pensions, vacations, family leave, sick time, worker protection from hazards such as pollutants, or covid. Without union organization, there is no good way to negotiate. In Germany workers are required to be represented on corporate boards. Would that make a difference when corporations are deciding to move work off-shore ? It is written in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that everyone has the right to participate in a labor union. But Republicans in their continuing war on the people have made union busting national policy, and the result has been declining real wages for most, shrinking (plundered) pensions, benefits, and anemic social programs. Workers have seemingly traded Republicans their lost wages, pensions, vacations, sick time, for white privilege, lower taxes for their boss, and a border wall to keep out immigrants, It is actually a Republican scam. They also get Fascism. Machines can work, improve productivity, take drudgery out of highly routine jobs so that there is enough for everybody. Machines are poised to take a lot of jobs: drivers, cashiers, call center, warehouse, manufacturers, even many white-collar jobs, ...making many workers surplus. Either we put in good social support or the system collapses. "The proposition that the worker who loses his job in one industry will necessarily be able to find employment, possibly after appropriate retraining, in some other industry, is as invalid as would be the assertion that horses who lost their jobs in transportation and agriculture could necessarily have been put to another economically productive use... It's whether you use the technology in a way that creates shared prosperity, of more concentration of wealth." (From Evil Geniuses, the Unmaking of America, Kurt Anderson.) When gains from productivity go to a few at the top wealth disparities soar, and most people are be left in poverty. It might not be so important if the US had social programs comparable to other countries. 'It can be scary': how corporate America is hitting back against unions (1/31/2023) The GuardianThom Hartmann: Why The Rich FEAR Unions (8/19/2022)Why Keeping Workers Poor Is actually Bad for Business (6/20/2022) Sam PizzigatiWe must fix our broken system of labor law (1/22/2022)A four-day workweek is the future. Here's why: Congressman Mark Takano (8/24/2021)Republicans Are Still Waging War on Workers (5/10/2021)wage growth for the vast majority of U.S. workers decelerated radically in the post-1979 [Reagan] era. This near-stagnation of wages ... left a large excess available for the top 10% to grab, and most of it went to the top 1% and, especially, the top 0.1%. ... just the mirror image of wage suppression at the bottom. The forces that weighed on wage growth for the majority (excess unemployment, stagnation of the minimum wage, deunionization) largely do not slow wage growth for the top 1%; instead, they just allow more income (income, wages, and profits that are not going to typical workers' paychecks) to be claimed by the very top. In a sense, the wage suppression felt by the bottom 90% was zero-sum (or even negative sum), as their loss financed a sharp redistribution of wages and incomes to the very top. Identifying the policy levers generating wage suppression and wage inequality By Lawrence Mishel and Josh Bivens (5/13/2021) "What the data shows, with regard to most issues, we do not need to speculate about the future, for we already know what the past has shown us namely, that it is Republican policies that have repeatedly, regularly, and with remarkable consistency brought us large increases in the rate and duration of unemployment, in the frequency, depth, and duration of recessions, and depressions, in socio-economic inequalities in wealth and income, and in rates of suicide, homicide, and (since the mid-1970's) imprisonment and capital punishments; and it is Democratic policies that have brought us equally large decreases in all of those destructive phenomena (even in imprisonment and capital punishment, as the contrast between the Red and Blue States shows.)" James Gilligan: Why Some Politicians are More Dangerous Than Others. the Nordic economic model of growth-with-equity derives from the continued existence of a powerful labor movement (union density is above 70 per cent in each country versus 11.3 percent in the US and 17 percent in Great Britain). Viking Love: The Economist Gets It Wrong (2/8/2013)
"Labor, as a commodity, is subject to virtually no regulation. In international commerce, labor is at the whim of capitalism in its most rudimentary form. The labor component of every product can be as cheap as the market wants it to be, and it can be provided under inhumane conditions and with complete disregard for all domestic standards from occupational hygiene to equal rights for women to prohibitions on child labor - and yet no one at the customs office is evenly remotely interested." The War For Wealth, the True Story of Globalization, or why the flat World is Broken: Gabor Steingart "What survives of the middle class in the future will be a servant class. A class of motivators. A class of sycophants, whose jobs will depend not only on their skills, but on their ability to flatter and provide pleasure for elites." We, Robots: Staying Human in the Age of Big Data, by Curtis White "The economist John Maynard Keynes once predicted that the four hour workday was close at hand and that technical improvements in manufacturing would allow ample time for people to focus on the " art of life itself"...Today the average citizen works longer hours for less money than he or she once did, putting in an extra four and a half weeks a year compared to 1979. Married couples with children are on the job an extra 413 hours, or an extra ten weeks a year combined. Adding salt to the wounds, the United States is the only industrialized nation where employers are not required by law to provide workers any paid vacation time." Astra Taylor: the People's Platform, Taking Back Power and Culture in the Digital Age.
Why Winning a Union Vote Has Become Nearly Impossible (4/15/2021)Our Government Needs to Protect Workers, Not Corporations (12/23/2020)The Post Covid World, The WEF's Diabolical Project: 'Resetting the Future of Work Agenda' ' After 'The Great Reset'. A Horrifying Future (11/11/2020)50 reasons the Trump administration is bad for workers (9/16/2020)Why the Working Class Votes Against Its Economic InterestsLeading the charge to give citizens - and workers - a real say (6/3/2020)Franklin Roosevelt Put Young People Back to Work. Let's Do It Again. (5/18/2020)What America Can Do to Fight Mass Unemployment (4/20/2020)Futurist Sees 'The End of the World as We Know It for Average Person' (12/9/2019)Working-age Americans dying at higher rates, especially in economically hard-hit states (11/26/2019)The Autoworkers Strike Is Bigger Than G.M. (9/17/2019)Reviving the American Working Class (8/29/2019)Trump's War on Workers (8/11/2019)![]()
One of the reasons that the US has substandard social programs is that Republicans with their corporate allies have made union busting a high priority. Unions annoy management when they bargain for higher wages,
their dues may go to Democrats, their higher wages make
them 'unfriendly to business', and they may insist on shorter hours,
overtime, safe working
conditions, vacation time, sick time, pension plans, family leave, and
other 'unreasonable' benefits. Employer based health
coverage was very bad policy. To satisfy the oligarchy, health care, sick leave, vacation time, family time, long-term care, and other programs are at the bottom of budget priorities, and, unlike other developed countries, do little to mitigate insecurity for Americans. Fast track trade agreements have moved good paying manufacturing jobs offshore leaving behind crumbling factories and depressed US wages. Workers, having maxed out their credit cards, consumption is not likely to recover any time soon. The Grim Truth (4/8/2010) Corporations can produce most of what we need, but only employ a small fraction of workers. There is always an unlimited amount of work that needs to be done, but corporations can do a lot with just a few people. Automation has enabled productivity increases, and shrunk the job market. Self-driving vehicles could change conditions for truck drivers, taxi drivers, and others. That's just the beginning. There is seemingly
inexorable consolidation within every industry, so that market
choices become limited, work force is reduced. Fewer workers
with declining wages result in a weak domestic market.
Increasingly,third-world sweat shops, prison labor, or advanced technology
replace workers. Outsourcing to
poor countries is rampant. Overpopulation
has resulted in a global surplus of labor. Advancing technology could produce shorter work weeks, and a better living standard for everyone, but productivity gains have trickled to the top resulting in immoral wealth inequality. Despite what Republican
ideologues say, the economy, right now, is reaching extremes of unfairness.
Our government, for the corporations,
will continue that, especially if the GOP gets its way. Capital can move freely, but labor cannot.
Employers stepping up efforts to Prevent Unions in the Workplace. No Holds Barred-The Intensification of Employer Opposition to Organizing (5/20/2009)
Yes, America Is Rigged Against Workers (8/3/2019)Here's Where the 2020 Candidates Stand on Labor (In These Times July 2019 issue)Trump Nominates Antonin Scalia's Son as Labor Secretary (7/18/2019)
Small-town U.S.A. falls further behind urban America in job opportunities after recession (2/22/2019)Here's Why America's Labor Force Is Still Struggling - While Corporate Profits are Going Gangbusters (8/29/2018)Labor's Last Stand, Unions must either demand a place at the table or be part of the meal (9/2018) Harpers MagazinePaychecks Lag as Profits Soar, and Prices Erode Wage Gains (7/13/2018)In Brett Kavanaugh, workers have a justice who will always side with big business (7/11/2018)Fresh Proof That Strong Unions Help Reduce Income Inequality (7/6/2018)Supreme Court Labor Decision Wasn't Just a Loss for Unions (7/1/2018)Supreme Court delivers blow to labor unionsWorkers' wages fall after passage of GOP tax cuts (6/13/2018)The Supreme Court Just Dealt a Blow to 25 Million Workers (5/22/2018) Thank Gorsuch.
Behind Janus: Documents Reveal Decade-Long Plot to Kill Public-Sector Unions (2/22/2018))Trump administration's proposed labor rule would rob tipped workers of $5.8 billion per year (1/18/2018)Ten actions that hurt workers during Trump's first year (1/12/2018))
Republicans Despise the Working Class (12/14/2017)Is Trump Really Pro-Worker? (9/2/2017)No country on Earth fully safeguards labor rights (8/2/2017)Worker Safety Takes A Beating During Trump's First 100 Days (5/3/2017)Despite his rhetoric as the candidate who will help American workers, Trump's business practices and early glimpses into his strategic agenda indicate that he is moving toward policies that would deepen, rather than ease the harms of an unfettered global market place and further weaken labor law protections for American workers. ILRF The genius of American politics has been to marginalize and isolate people. In fact, one of the main reasons behind the passionate effort to destroy unions is that they are on of the few mechanisms by which ordinary people can get together and compensate for the concentration of capital and power. That's why the United States has a very violent labor history, with repeated efforts to destroy unions anytime they make any progress." Noam Chomsky: Imperial Ambitions pg198
Just about everywhere in the West except the United States, where there is no mandatory paid time off, workers not only get vacations but also short work weeks, government health care, large pensions, high minimum wages, subsidized childcare, and so forth. Why is the United States the exception?" Claude S Fischer, Boston Review Americans are drastically overworked and underpaid compared to workers in other advanced countries, and our workers are trapped in a rigid pattern of inequality that has ended a historic claim to being the nation of upward mobility. Jefferson Cowie: The Future of Fair Labor
...then Reagan came along and basically informed the business world that you can do anything you like to break unions. You can violate the law, and in fact, illegal firing of organizers tripled in the Reagan years. Clinton came along and he added another way of destroying unions. It's called NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement]. He didn't bother saying it, but the business world knew they could violate labor laws to break strikes by threatening to transfer enterprises to Mexico. And the number of illegal actions like that shot up again. Noam Chomsky 12/13/2012
"The royalists of the economic order have conceded that political freedom was the business of the government, but they have maintained that economic slavery was nobody's business. They granted that the government could protect the citizen in his right to vote, but they denied that the government could do anything to protect the citizen in his right to work and his right to live." FDR Second Bill of Rights. “Article 23 (1) Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. (2) Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. (3) Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection. (4) Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.” (Universal Declaration of Human Rights) " a number of forecasts suggest good opportunities for future job creation in the information technology, industrial (i.e. robot engineers and technicians) and green sectors. In addition, the health sector is set to create the largest job openings, estimated at more than 4 million new jobs in the US from 2012 to 2022. This is not surprising given that many people in advanced countries are living for longer. This, together with a reduction in fertility rates, is changing the demographics in many advanced and some emerging nations" Citi GPS: Global Perspectives & Solutions January 2016 (pg 8) What Workers Lost in Trumps First 100 Days (4/27/2017)Trump's First 100 Days are Marred by an Aggressive Anti-Worker Agenda (4/27/2017)Paul Krugman: Making the Rust Belt RuStier (1/27/2017)Trump Taps Anti-Worker Fast-Food CEO for Labor Secretary (12/8/2016)Appeal
to the Working Class? Don’t Bother, Says Krugman (11/27/2016)