Taxestax war: the world must unite against American obstruction (3/2/2025)Email shows that Musk ally is moving to close office behind free tax filing program at IRS (3/1/2025)Charles Koch’s network launches $20m campaign backing Trump tax breaks (1/27/2025)
Wealth inequality weakens democracy. When extreme it powers fascism. We’re pretty near there thanks to Republicans. Stiff progressive taxes such as we had after WWII (the highest marginal tax rate was over 90%) can damp down wealth inequality and also fund solid social programs: health, education, welfare, infrastructure, and more. When politicians announce their plans for tax cuts people enthusiastically cheer, but usually don’t worry about the down side. Republican cuts benefit people who don’t really need them like major political donors. It’s probably the most effective part of the Republican scam to extract wealth. Tax cuts reduce government services, mostly social programs, which Republicans explain will lead to small government. That means reductions will come from Social Security, healthcare, education, poverty programs, and various other care and support programs. The US already has a poor safety net. Tax cuts that benefit the wealthy at the expense of the vulnerable requires a sociopath, pretty much a requirement for republican candidates.l America has a revenue problem. Blame George W. Bush and Donald Trump. (10/27/2023)![]() Tax the billionaires or their oppressive power will only grow. (8/7/2024)The IRS is piloting new software that could let you file your taxes for free (1/29/2024)Why Cutting IRS Funding Is Not a Conservative Move (12/19/2023)Republicans aren’t going to tell Americans the real cause of our $31.4tn debt (2/1/2023) Robert Reich in the GuardianJoseph Stiglitz: tax high earners at 70% to tackle widening inequality (1/22/2023)"In the United States, many working class voters support candidates promising to lower taxes on the wealthy, despite the fact that such tax cuts will arguably deprive them of important government services." Francis Fukuyama in Foreign Affairs 9/2014 The IRS budget has been cut dramatically over the past decade, severely undermining the agency’s ability to perform its fundamental jobs of enforcing the nation’s tax laws and helping taxpayers navigate a tax system that relies on voluntary compliance. The agency’s workforce has been sharply reduced, and audit rates, especially for large corporations and high-income taxpayers, have plummeted. As a result, the tax gap — the difference between taxes owed and taxes paid — is large and growing. ![]() "After World War II, the nation's tax bill was roughly split between corporations and individuals. But after years of changes in the federal tax code and international economy, the corporate share of taxes has declined to a fourth the amount individuals pay, according to the US Office of Management and Budget." --Boston Globe series on Corporate Welfare "The genius of our ruling class is that it has kept a majority of the people from ever questioning the inequity of a system where most people drudge along, paying heavy taxes for which they get nothing in return." ~ Gore Vidal Resistance to taxation is the rotten core of the modern Republican Party. Republicans in recent decades have sharply reduced the federal income tax rates imposed on wealthy people and big companies, but their opposition to taxation goes beyond that. They are aiding and abetting tax evasion. “They did what their donors wanted,” LaFrenz Falk said. Seeing the same plan enacted on a national scale is “very frightening,” she said. “History is littered with examples of cultures that allowed the wealthy to take over and forgot about the rest. What happens next? It doesn’t end well. How does that look in a country with no gun control?” Kansas's ravaged economy a cautionary tale as Trump plans huge tax cuts for rich Push for IRS Cuts Confirms Top GOP Priority: 'Enabling Tax Cheating by the Super-Rich' (5/26/2023)The Price of Zero; The 55 Corporations That Paid Zero in Federal Income Taxes Spent $450 Million on Political SpendingCould you be the victim of those Republican tax cuts ? Republicans consistently favor tax cuts for their wealthy donors and pay for them with cuts for the vulnerable or increase the deficit. That's the scam. Funding cuts for the IRS enables tax cheating and increases the deficit. Republicans promote the flat tax because it is regressive. It hits the poor much harder than the rich. It takes a sociopath to reward the rich at the expense of the poor and is the very opposite of Christian values.
Citizens for Tax Justice Home Page CTJ ITEP (Institute On Taxation and Economic Policy) National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee
When Ike was in office, for people in the highest income brackets, the marginal tax rate was over 90%. Removing tax progressivity did immense damage to the economy. Reagan tax policy, union busting, privatization, deregulation, collapsed the middle class, reduced some of the largest corporations taxes to zero. Demonizing the poor saved on support for the needy. Like the frog in water coming slowly to a boil, the US working taxpayer slowly assumed the tax burden of the wealthy. Republicans try to keep the IRS under staffed so they can’t audit complex tax returns of the wealthy. Privatization of social programs shifted expenses to private insurance, resulting in the world’s most expensive healthcare that bankrupts the sick, education that put students in heavy, lifelong debt, poor social programs, and, until recently, infrastructure that went without maintenance. Republican tax cuts are part of stealth extraction of wealth from most of the people, resulting in record high wealth disparities. Extreme wealth disparities, a feature of late capitalism, destroys democracy, leaves many in poverty, and can result in fascism, roughly defined as rule by the wealthy. Vote GOP to get us there.
Tax progressivity is a proven tool to combat rising income and wealth inequality at the top. World Inequality Report 2018 "tax systems skillfully so as to tax bad things, like pollution and congestion, rather than good things like work and profit. Not to do so is plain, bad economics." Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the IMF
What caused this progress? Piketty has a straightforward answer: the advent of progressive taxes on income and wealth, and of the comprehensive welfare state. The taxes reduced inequality and paid for the welfare state, which has provided education, health care, old-age pensions and protection against severe deprivation. A BRIEF HISTORY OF EQUALITY By Thomas Piketty
"If you strip away the magical claims of Reaganomics (“cutting tax rates will yield more revenue and balance the budget”), you can see that the real purpose of “supply side” theory was to shift the tax burden down the income ladder—away from the high incomes. This is the operative objective: Tax work instead of wealth. That has been the practical result of favoring capital’s returns on stocks and bonds over wage income. The pivot was a landmark political reversal, and it continues to this day." William Greider
"[In Finland] My tax form had been one page long, and came prefilled with my earnings and taxes paid, including the calculations for amounts owed or refunded. My job was simply to check that everything was correct and amend it if needed. During my years as a salaried employee, I mostly just looked it over and did nothing." the Nordic Theory of Everything, In Search of a Better Life: Anu Partanen
Media Owned by Wealthy Are Quick to Tell You Wealth Taxes Are a Bad Idea (10/20/2020)
The Rich Really Do Pay Lower Taxes Than You By David Leonhardt (NYT)The IRS Already Has Your Income Tax Data—So Why Do Americans Still Have to File Their Taxes?No Labels Offered Conservative Democrats Hundreds of Thousands to Spurn Nancy Pelosi Fundraiser (8/26/2021)Should Only the Little People Pay Taxes? (7/22/2021)
Tax Fraud By The Numbers: The Trump Timeline (7/20/2021)The most damage done by Republicans to the US, was removing progressivity from taxes. It let wealth inequality soar out of control. Big money corrupted government, elite gamed the system snubbed their nose at democracy, and put us at the brink of fascism. It's a scam. Tax cuts are always a leading issue for the GOP, and they mostly benefit their wealthy donors. Republicans claim tax cuts solve many problems. After WWII the top marginal tax rate was over 90%, so it fell heavily on wealthy people. Progressive taxes are a good way to damp down wealth inequality. It's been down hill since Reagan. GOP propaganda relentlessly asserted that tax cuts would pay for themselves. It was never true, but over decades it removed taxes from the very wealthy, and as Republicans said, it starved the beast. It drained the life-blood from government, but, along with privatization and deregulation, was an important part of the Republican scam to extract wealth from most people. The US has reached a new gilded age, which is ripe for fascism as it was in the 1930's.
The real cost that we paid over time was so slow that it was hardly noticeable. Republican tax cuts are a stealth method of extracting wealth from most people, a GOP scam, because it leads to cuts in social supports, puts students in debt, causes healthcare bankruptcy, corrodes infrastructure, increases homelessness, etc. Wealth doesn’t trickle down. The rich inevitably get richer, the poor get poorer, and wealth disparities get extreme. The mob gets volatile and they are armed. Tax burden shifted downward on to working people, who went into debt. Families needed two incomes, two cars and childcare. Students went into heavy debt for college. The middle class collapsed. Wealth inequality soared. Public services were starved. Infrastructure fell into disrepair. The military budget expanded to build weapons of mass destruction and carry on the forever wars. Wealth inequality became extreme. Democracy is threatened. To make up for lost revenue, Republicans were tireless in cutting public facilities. The social safety net has big holes like healthcare that left many without or in bankruptcy. Higher education became expensive adding immensely to most people’s debt that was made inescapable. Infrastructure deteriorated to the point that civil engineers give it a D. Rail networks disappeared. Dreams of high speed rail never materialized. Republicans assigned managers to Cities like Detroit who poisoned drinking water over democratic objections. With little notice public health protections were cut to the bone. It began with Reagan (See Laurie Garrett’s Pulitzer Prize books), and continued up until Trump cut the pandemic response team from the Security Council. Unsurprisingly, the pandemic was handled badly. Draconian immigration policy made us all more unsafe. We are paying the price now that there is a pandemic. When wealth inequality becomes extreme, powerful interests rule , an authoritarian becomes head of state with few checks and a cult-like following. "Results are always the same: corruption, stagnation, dictatorship, repression, violence." (Gary Kasparov) Right wing nationalism is ascendant, experts are replaced with loyalists, religion, military, ideologues rule. It is happening world-wide but notably in Hungary, Poland, Brazil, India, and even in the US. It can happen here. The Supreme Court favored the wealthy with their Citizens United decision to influence government with lobbyists, candidates were selected for their deep pockets. Government direction is set by campaign finance, not democracy. Propaganda became very profitable, although corrosive for democracy. The system is corrupt. Gilens and Page pointed out that US government responds to the wealthy, not the people. It’s going to get worse. Republicans short-term greed generated propaganda that disdained higher education and experts, denied science and the warnings of climate damage. So continuing as usual, future global warming will make increasingly large areas of the planet uninhabitable, melting glaciers will lead to droughts and crop failures, severe storms will devastate, sea levels will rise flooding low-lying heavily populated areas, all leading to mass migration. Civil disturbance by heavily armed population is almost inevitable. Probably there will be war, possibly nuclear. The forecast does not look good. Trump Republicans not only cooperated with Russians to win election, they have all the attributes of Fascists. Republicans are extracting wealth from the public to reward a small number of oligarchs. Their initiative for tax reduction is all part of the scam. ![]()
Republicans, Not Biden, Are About to Raise Your Taxes (10/31/2020)The Picture of a Broken Tax System (9/28/2020)D.A. Accuses Trump of Delay ‘Strategy’ in Fight Over Tax Returns (7/17/2020)‘Donald Trump is going to get indicted’ when New York gets his tax returns: David Cay Johnston (7/11/2020)
The Tax-Break Bonanza Inside the Economic Rescue Package (4/22/2020)
Covid-19 Brings Out All the Usual Zombies (3/28/2020)The Liberal Economists Behind the Wealth Tax Debate (2/21/2020)"Taxes, after all, are the dues that we pay for the privileges of membership in an organized society." FDRSupply-side economics did not work for Reagan and it won’t work for Trump. Joseph E. Stiglitz in his book People, Power and Profits
the effects of the Trump tax cut are already looking like the effects of the Brownback tax cut in Kansas, the Bush tax cut and every other much-hyped tax cut of the past three decades: big talk, big promises, but no results aside from a swollen budget deficit. Paul Krugman: How’s That Tax Cut Working Out? (4/30/2018)
The [Republican] plan not only adds $1.5 trillion to the deficit, but the cuts for rich people are permanent while the ones for the poor, expire. Which we should all do soon and decrease the surplus population. A not unprobable outcome since, oh yeah, this so- called reform also manages to push 13 million Americans out of their insurance. That’s known as adding injury to insult. Robbing Hood (12/31/2017)
Although the tax system is a crucial tool for tackling inequality, it also faces potential obstacles. Tax evasion ranks high among these, as recently illustrated by the Paradise Papers revelations. The wealth held in tax havens has increased considerably since the 1970s and currently represents more than 10% of global GDP. The rise of tax havens makes it difficult to properly measure and tax wealth and capital income in a globalized world. While land and real-estate registries have existed for centuries, they miss a large fraction of the wealth held by households today, as wealth increasingly takes the form of financial securities. Several technical options exist for creating a global financial register, which could be used by national tax authorities to effectively combat fraud. World Inequality Report 2018 — T. Beaumont (@Zebrafarm2000) January 29, 2021 ![]() Piketty’s strong preference is for an annual progressive tax on wealth, worldwide if possible, to exclude flight to phony tax havens. He recognizes that a global tax is a hopeless goal, but he thinks that it is possible to enforce a regional wealth tax in an area the size of Europe or the United States. An example of the sort of rate schedule that he has in mind is 0 percent on fortunes below one million euros, 1 percent on fortunes between one and five million euros, and 2 percent above five million euros. (A euro is currently worth about $1.37.) Remember that this is an annual tax, not a onetime levy. He estimates that such a tax applied in the European Union would generate revenue equal to about 2 percent of GDP, to be used or distributed according to some agreed formula. He seems to prefer, as would I, a slightly more progressive rate schedule. Of course the administration of such a tax would require a high degree of transparency and complete reporting on the part of financial institutions and other corporations. The book [Capital in the Twenty-First Century by Thomas Piketty] discusses in some detail how this might work in the European context. As with any tax, there would no doubt be a continuing struggle to close loopholes and prevent evasion, but that is par for the course. Thomas Piketty Is Right, Everything you need to know about 'Capital in the Twenty-First Century' By Robert M. Solow April 22, 2014
How FedEx Cut Its Tax Bill to $0 (11/17/2019)How to Tax Our Way Back to Justice (10/11/2019)US billionaires pay lower tax rate than working class for first time in history (10/9/2019)The Great Tax Break Heist (9/2/2019)Trump’s Secret Foreign Aid Program (7/25/2019)Study Finds Trump Tax Cuts Failed to Do Anything But Give Rich People Money (5/29/2019)Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren Each Want to Tax Millionaires Differently (2/7/2019)Elizabeth Warren proposes ‘Ultra-Millionaire Tax’ for anyone with over $50 million in assets (1/25/2019)The Economics of Soaking the Rich, What does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez know about tax policy? A lot. (1/5/2019)How the IRS Was Gutted (12/11/2018)Heading into the midterms, there’s still no evidence that the TCJA is working as promised (11/5/2018)The ‘Tax Cuts and Jobs Act’ and the 2018 midterms: Examining the potential electoral impact (8/31/2018)The Tax-Cut Con Goes On, Why Social Security and Medicare are on the ballot. (8/23/2018)Income tax rates were 90 percent under Eisenhower, Sanders saysWhere Did Tax Benefits Trump Promised Average Americans Go? Straight to Big Oil, Big Pharma and Their Crappy Insurance (7/5/2018)The Devil and Tom Donohue (6/20/2018)Republican Governor's Radical Tax Cut Plan Backfires, Exposes Conservative Economics As a Scam (4/18/2018)Taxpayers, You´ve Been Scammed: Paul Krugman (3/2/2018)Tax Bill Rewards Wealthy But Fails to Help Economy (2/9/2018)After Spending $20 Million to Pass #GOPTaxScam, Koch Bros to Save More Than $1 Billion This Year (1/24/2018)The US is not ready for the next recession. Here's why (1/18/2018)Republicans, Trapped by Their Flimflam By Paul Krugman (10/3/2017)The US Donor Relief Act of 2017 (1/8/2018)
Republicans single-minded goal to cut taxes leaves them unable to solve any other problem. Republicans made it increasingly difficult to tax the rich (remember that's where the money is.) Under Ike, the top marginal rate was over 90% and the economy did very well. Republicans never liked the New Deal and for decades claimed that reducing taxes would lead to prosperity. It actually increased income inequality to extremes, starved government services including infrastructure and social programs, increased taxpayer debt, polarized our politics, and made economic volatility much more likely. When Republicans are not a majority, austerity is their priority. But their hypocrisy is on full display as they deliver big tax cuts for themselves paid for from huge taxpayer debt. By running up excessive debt they, in effect, cripple government, render it too poor to deal with other major problems such as crumbling infrastructure, and they exacerbate income inequality which I think is the measure of good government. It is not a trickle down economy, it is Niagra up. The latest Republican tax bill is a massive gift to the wealthy from $1.5 trillion in taxpayer debt. (As only one example of their hypocrisy, when Republicans are in control, deficits don't matter.) There will also be additional extraction from most people: millions may no longer have health insurance, predictably insurance premiums will rise as Republicans undermine health care. The fiduciary rule is no longer in place to protect retirement accounts and the CFPB has been rendered toothless. Other consumer protections have been removed as cabinet level appointments, foxes in the henhouse, assure the dismantling of vital regulations. Say goodbye to net neutrality, environmental protection, or even financial regulations. Income inequality will be on steroids. This is how the economy spins out of control Republicans in Congress, like Paul Ryan are now ready to propose an austerity budget, that will block grant programs like Medicaid to the States. That’s the Republican health care plan: pay up or die. States will need to either take up some of the burden...or remove services from the most vulnerable. Hurricane devastated Texas, the Gulf Coast, and Puerto Rico needed urgent assistance, western states fires wiped out unprecedented areas, infrastructure continued to decay, and other problems were unaddressed, Republicans rewarded themselves with tax cuts and deny climate science. Of course, country club Republicans are always engaged in their favorite sport: avoiding taxes and they have many professionals, lawyers, accountants, and other consultants to help them. Although Republicans claimed that tax preparation would be simpler, their latest bill is, in all its complexity, a gift to tax preparers. Corporations like Pfizer would
migrate overseas and take their earnings with them to avoid taxes.
GE, world-class polluter, gets subsidies from the government
that give it an effective tax rate of -9%. If I remember my high school
civics, the reason the Articles of Confederation was a failure, was
that it did not provide adequate taxes. It was replaced with the Constitution
that we have today. Over reaching for empire could do us in. The problem remains. Tax cheating
is a problem and Republicans are leaders
in exacerbating it. Republicans have cut funding for the IRS, while the tax 'reform' will increase their workload.
They are still claiming that tax cuts improve revenue, while
the lessons of the past are to the contrary. Are Republicans destroying
this Republic also ? There are stern warnings that we are losing our democracy... if we ever had it. States, like Connecticut, are already under some stress, so very lean budgets will be even more starved. Finally it will trickle down to the localities and fall on the property tax. Services will deteriorate at all levels, there will not be much revenue for decaying infrastructure. Planning for retirement, your hard-earned nest egg must last for the rest of your life, but your financial professional doesn’t have to work on your behalf because the Republican Congress decided that the fiduciary rule is unnecessary. Ignoring public opinion, Republicans would remove millions from health insurance so they could save money for what they really want: tax cuts for the wealthy. This brings up the question: Does the Republican Congress work on behalf of the people ? Serious academic studies found that it does not: Gilens and Page of Princeton, Lawrence Lessig’s book “Republic Lost” and others* argue that Congress responds to funders, not the people. Republicans, counter to public opinion, tried many times to repeal the Affordable Care Act removing millions from health insurance. Without a replacement, they would save money for what they really want: tax cuts for the wealthy. History shows tax cuts do not pay for themselves, but resulting financial strain could impact Social Security, Education, welfare, etc. Undaunted, Republicans successfully cut taxes for the wealthy, now paid directly from deficit spending. Elimination of the inheritance tax alone would benefit, in billions, Trump $4, Koch $38.6, Waltons $51.6, Adelson 12.2 ... As Dick Cheney said: “ deficits don’t matter”. The GOP tax plan would also increase income inequality, yet another attack on democracy. Turns out that tax cuts also included reductions in the payroll tax for Social Security, so it is in trouble now also. Republicans have always wanted to roll back Social Security. They never liked the New Deal. They did find $700 billion to kill people. Change tax policy:
Even though the deficit is one of their main complaints,
country club Republicans favorite sport is
evading taxes. Their accountants and lawyers rely on that to make
their living, but as in other corrupt countries, tax avoidance is a
large part of the problem with deficits. A stiff graduated tax
would solve many problems: It would take care of the obscene
bonuses that bankers gave themselves after the taxpayer bailouts,
it would damp down hedge fund speculation, and it would make
means-testing Social Security
unnecessary. When Ike was President the top marginal tax rate was
around 90%, highly respected executives worked for a dollar a year.
But things have changed since Republicans took the Grover Norquist
pledge. US leadership has failed. The simple-minded Republican mantra that lower taxes and smaller government are always better disguises the reality. It is effective in accelerating income disparities to extreme levels, removes the tax burden from the already wealthy, makes government an ATM machine for the well connected, and is an excuse for cutting social supports. Here's the important thing to notice: earnings from hard work
are taxed much more heavily than financial windfalls. That's why Mitt
Romney and Warren Buffett pay a much lower percentage tax rate than do
the vast majority of workers. It's also one of the reasons that income
inequality has grown so rapidly in the U.S. Almost all of the
productivity gains of the last few decades (actually since Reagan) have gone to a small
fraction of the 1%. Most people would agree that unearned income
should be taxed much more heavily than wages from hard work. That many forms of unearned income should be more lightly taxed than earned income may appear incongruous in a country that, according to the President, sanctifies the work ethic, but the explanation is not hard to fathom: wealth owners have more political power in America than nonowners of wealth. The list of tax privileges that wealth owners enjoy runs the gamut from the petty to the grandiose. The initial advantage is that taxes on unearned income are not withheld automatically, as are taxes on wages and salaries. Unearned income is also exempt from social security and other payroll taxes, which are the fastest growing federal taxes. Peter Barnes (1972) For example, high-speed trading is a parasitic activity on the market. A tax on high-speed trading could damp down some of the economic volatility we experience, It could raise considerable revenue also. Students borrowing to pay for higher education should
not pay higher interest rates than banks or taxes on their wages. In
countries with more successful outcomes, education is free. A carbon tax should replace payroll taxes for everyone
making less than, say, $100,000. Robin Hood Tax
Since US media and elected officials are beholden to big
money, it is a worthwhile investment for large contributors to invest in
the US political process. That is how major corporations
have climbed out from under their tax burdens, how extreme wealth
gets to keep more and more of their stash, why most people (you) will have to pay more, why the
middle class is sinking, and why our government is for the corporations, not the people. Media, reliably representing the corporate interest, never mentions advantages of a progressive tax. The graduated income tax does not burden you when you are out of work. It can roll back obscene bonuses, improve anemic demand, level our increasingly poor wealth disparities, damp speculation, prevent a new aristocracy, help break politicians dependence on oligarchs, and it is in the spirit of true Christianity by burdening the already comfortable and relieving the poor. Under Ike the top marginal rate was around 90% and the economy was much better. Both fundamental fairness and sensible economic policy justify
progressivity in the tax code. The progressive income tax lost most
of its progressivity under Republicans
since Eisenhower (the top marginal rate was round 90%) and the net result has been an
increase in the already poor distribution of income in the US. The elimination of the estate tax (shrewdly labelled the 'death tax' by Republicans) is yet another tax break for unearned wealth that will continue our move toward extreme income inequality and aristocracy. This Republican initiative has the potential to bring back the kind of feudal aristocracy that this country's founders abhorred. Republicans have not made government smaller, nor have they been fiscally responsible. They did not pay for the wars that they provoked, they borrowed massively from third world countries (passing this debt on to the next generation), and enriched their cronies with much of the proceeds. They are ready to incur a $1,5 trillion deficit to pay for another tax cut for their wealthy donors. How is that different than a banana republic ? Cutting
taxes to bankrupt the government empowers the private sector, restores aristocracy, and makes them the
rulers. The Supreme
Court's Citizens United
decision seals the deal. Graduated Income TaxMany States have an income tax that is a percentage of Federal. The graduated income tax is the fairest and best one to pay for the town's schools or other State expenses. It is an economic stabilizer, so it is also best at national level.
Flat TaxIf there is anything that Republicans agree on it is that taxes should be flat, but keep in mind that any flattening is a cut for the already wealthy. It is regressive and it exacerbates our already extreme unfairness in income distribution. Republicans opposed extending the payroll tax cuts which would help working people, but favor lowering corporate taxes and capital gains taxes. They are actually tax dodgers in the pocket of oligarchs. Republicans often favor a flat sales tax, sometimes called in
an Orwellian sense the 'Fair
Tax'.. It is backed by very wealthy and, like all other Republican policy, it is
extremely regressive. Be careful what you wish for. It is an
integral part of the Republican scam. We have a distribution of
income worse than that of 1929. Making it worse makes economic collapse more likely and pushes many into debt servitude. Republican candidates often think that the 'fair tax' (their
words to describe a flat sales tax) is a good idea. It isn't. Tobin TaxExcessive speculation creates volatility in the economy and is one of the causes of cycles of boom and bust. In the 1930's there were steps taken to damp it down. The Glass-Steagle Act protected taxpayers from excessive banking risk, but that was rejected in the zeal to deregulate.The Tobin Tax is a tax on speculator's currency transactions. It is a good idea. Republicans won't hear of it. A financial transaction tax is more fair, stabilizing, and much better for the economy. More than 40 countries have one. European finance ministers implemented one on January 1, 2014. H.R. 1579 proposes a small tax on Wall Street transactions that could raise hundreds of billions of dollars annually from banks and investment firms that recovered thanks to our tax dollars. The tax would help limit reckless short-term speculation that threatens financial stability, calm the deficit hawks, and slow the Republican war on 'entitlements'. A former Goldman Sachs investment banker pointed out "High-frequency trades are carried out at 'blinding speeds to the point where 50, 60 or 70 percent are done by 'robo-traders.' This does not give value to the economy, it damages it." H.R. 1579 revenue could create jobs, maintain failing infrastructure, reduce poverty, and even address climate change. We need a different Congress to pass H.R. 1579. Property TaxAs inflation proceeds, as it always does, retirees on fixed incomes find that the value of their homes increase along with their taxes and pushes them out of their homes especially quickly along the shoreline. Seniors may have few options for paying higher taxes considering that inflation in practically everything else makes the problem worse. The property tax is regressive, a force for urban sprawl, a
destroyer of undeveloped land, and a patently unfair lever that
forces seniors from their homes. Since the State mandates property
taxes as the main source of school funding, it makes education
dependent on the affluence of each town. It is no wonder the argument over the town budget looks like a generational war: Retirees vs Students. Some Legislators in Florida have proposed doing away with the property tax as a funding source for the schools. They have proposed modest increases in the State's sales tax to provide for school funding. Actually, the sales tax is fairly regressive also. It hits everyone whether they are earning or not, so it can depress consumption. Look at it this way: a relatively poor person will need to spend a large percentage of his income and his consumption taxes will be much higher by percentage than the very wealthy who need to consume only a small part of their income. The best solution, although at State level, would be to eliminate the property tax as a funding source for schools by replacing it with the graduated income tax. The income tax hits only people who actually have income...not students or seniors, and when it is graduated it can put the burden on those most able to pay. Considering the obscene CEO salaries that we often hear about, it is only reasonable to tax high earners at high percentage rates. We used to do this, but Republicans changed it. The Property Tax should be minimal. It is unfair, subject to inflation, contributes to urban sprawl, and it is highly regressive. The graduated income tax falls most on the comfortable and is, overall, fairest and best for the economy. Corporations are people...but they don't pay taxes
(6/2015) Ct Governor Malloy's determination to repair infrastructure resulted in spending cuts, and raised corporate taxes, but large corporations, members of the CBIA, screamed in pain and threatened to leave the State. General Electric cried loudest. From 2008 to 2013, GE profits were over
$33.9 billion in United States, it received a total tax refund of more
than $2.9 billion, for an effective tax rate of -9 percent.. In 2012,
GE stashed $108 billion in offshore tax havens. If this practice were
outlawed, GE would have paid $37.8 billion in federal income taxes that
year. GE has been a leader in outsourcing decent paying jobs to China,
Mexico and other low-wage countries. It is also a leading polluter. CEO Immelt has a retirement account at General Electric worth an estimated $59 million and made $19 million in total compensation last year. He is a member of the Business Roundtable, a group that wants to raise the eligibility age for Medicare and Social Security to 70, cut Social Security and veterans’ benefits, increase taxes on working families, and cut corporate taxes even further. As Leonna Helmsley said “Only little people pay taxes” and these Corporations are not little. The lesson we can learn from this: Not only can you not tax multinationals, they will threaten to leave if taxpayers don't bribe them to stay. They can open bidding among States and localities to see who will make them the best offer. Republicans work hard to keep wages down, oppose minimum wage hikes, and bust unions because they think it is 'business friendly'. In fact it causes demand to drop. Get real. Climate change is most likely
the most serious threat to life on the planet. Very likely we are beyond the point of no return, yet
Republicans deny the science and want to
cut spending for the National Science Foundation.
That is consistent with their short-sighted closure of the Office of
Technology Assessment some years ago. They blocked the CIA's study of climate as a
security threat. Since we are also facing a climate crisis, the best way to deal with these issues would be a stiff carbon tax. That would be a robust revenue source, and an effective way to reduce CO2 emissions. The kids are doomed, but Republicans don't care. Electing Republicans assures that the future will include endless war, a hostile climate, and unresponsive government of plutocrats. We should remove them from office. Go Bernie. Wouldn't infrastructure be better funded with a higher gasoline tax ? Wouldn't carbon taxes make sense ? Robbing Hood (12/31/2017)The Big Lie that is Behind the Trump/GOP Tax Bill (12/19/2017)A Tax Plan to Turbocharge Inequality, in 3 Charts (10/17/2017)Deficit Hawk Myth Dead as GOP Unite Over Morally and Economically 'Obscene' Tax BillDon't Be Fooled, Warn Critics, Trump's GOP Tax Effort Nothing Short of "Corporate Coup" (11/30/2017)Paul Krugman: The Biggest Tax Scam in History (11/27/2017)The Tax Bill Will be an Albatross for House Republicans (11/15/2017)GOP’s new tax bill is so unpopular even they hate it (11/3/2017)A Tax Plan for a New Gilded Age (11/2/2017)Trump’s $700 Billion Gift to Wealthy Foreigners (10/26/2017)Paul Krugman: Trump Is Lying Through His Teeth About Your Taxes (10/16/2017)Warren Buffett condemns Donald Trump tax plan that would make the rich even richer (10/4/2017)[Paul Krugman] Republicans, Trapped by Their Flimflam (10/3/2017)The GOP Tax Plan is What We Knew it Would Be — Tax Cuts for the Rich (9/28/2017)How Corporate Capitalism Looted Democracy (9/18/2017)GOP plan would help only the rich. Catherine Rampell (9/5/2017)Did Trump Get a Big Tax Refund After 2005? (6/16/2017)Trump’s tax cuts are trickle down economics all over again — except this time it’s even worse (6/6/2017)Trump's Tax Cuts May Be More Damaging Than Reagan's (5/1/2017)Zombies of Voodoo Economics (4/24/2017)No Trump taxes, no tax reform (4/18/2017)Filing your income taxes is a pain, and that is not an accidentThe 35 Percent Corporate Tax Myth (3/9/2017)Treasury Nominee Vows No Tax Cut for Rich. Math Says the Opposite. (2/9/2017)