
Good government is essential should humanity wish to reach utopia.

By utopia, I mean the continued long term survival of the human species, its own worst enemy, destroying its only home.

Humanity never learned to govern. Feeding 10 billion people requires fossil fuel, climate will cause mass migration fueling the political right & its addiction to war.

Race, religion, gender, nationality, and other forms of discrimination seem to be innate in people, but early education might mitigate the problem and the violence. Stern enforcement of hate crimes may help.

Combining race, religion, nationality, cultural identity with exceptionalism, magnified by misinformation and propaganda can lead to holocaust or even war. No one is exceptional. Traditional right wing ideologies are counterproductive.

Religion allows denial of science or facts, and leaves people open to acceptance of ancient texts, apocalyptic myths or wild conspiracy theories. The church is often the enemy of reason. The US Supreme Court has a majority of Catholic Justices. "those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities" Voltaire

The culture war is partly the product of religion, which is in denial of evolution of humanity from other mammals. It encourages human domination of the environment, relieves people of responsibility for their own destiny, and propagates dangerous myths. Population has grown beyond the carrying capacity of the earth. Even the simplest of restraints mitigating population are sometimes violently opposed including abortion, birth control, gay marriage, sex education, and others.

As people approach 10 billion, even more polluting fossil fuel use must be used to feed them. Forests are shrinking, fires raging, wildlife collapsing, water sources are over used, ice sheets disappearing, methane is bubbling out of permafrost, sea level rising, oceans aciddifying, weather is more violent and destructive, people are polluting without restraint causing global warming, earth will become more hostile.

Utilization of nature, soil, water, forests, minerals, and wildlife and other resources for present needs while insuring their preservation for future generations requires a delicate balance and continuing program based on careful research, not politics.

Most of our challenges are transnational: pandemic, climate, migration, war, nuclear, economy, arms trade, women's rights, human rights, sanctions on right wing governments that go to war for turf.

In dealing with such problems, International law is superior to US law. the US actually undermines the UN, doesn't always pay its dues, and cannot be relied upon to honor an as the Iran nuclear agreement shows. The Senate not only will not join the ICCC, but threatens to invade the Netherlands if US service members are on trial. "The U.S. Senate has not ratified a major multilateral treaty since 1997." GlobalSolutions.org

Ignoring the UN ban, more countries get nuclear weapons. Odds are that war is likely. Won’t be a second chance in space.

The outlook is bleak.

Here are some things the US could fix.