
The Hidden Motive Behind Trump’s Attack on Trans People (3/17/2025)

US civil rights agency seeks to dismiss gender-identity discrimination cases (2/15/2025)

"When men began to look for ways to control society, language, firepower and sex followed fear as the best available methods." The Book of Books: Melvyn Bragg
the far right is not the only political movement to reject “gender equality” and advance various forms of sexism. Many religious and secular conservative movements do the same, and have been doing so for centuries. Why the far right is obsessed with "gender ideology"
If we do not accept that we are part of nature, we cannot govern and we cannot live. (p96) Timothy Snyder's book Our Malady
... the culture war ... are a cluster of public issues concerned , ironically, with the most private of all matters: the body. Controversies about abortion, sexual harassment, pornography, ¨vulgar¨ art or music, sex education, condom distribution, homosexuality, AIDS policy, or euthanasia and the ¨right to die¨ all trace back to the human body. Those issues that do not relate to the body deal, more often than not, with the social institution s that claim authority over the body (family, church, school, law and the like). The body, it would seem, is the underlying symbolic of the culture war. Before the Shooting Begins, Searching for Democracy in America´s Culture War, James Davison Hunter.
I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything ... Grab 'em by the pussy. AYou can do anything.
Donald Trump talking to Billy Bush (2005)

The right wing is oblivious to the existential threat of overpopulation and opposes every way to mitigate it.

As population continues to grow beyond the earth's carrying capacity, traditional religions continue expansionary population policies, keeping women in second-class conditions, and favoring population-expanding sex advice: demonizing gay sex, forbidding abortion or making it difficult to obtain, making religion an excuse to determine family planning procedures. (Hobby Lobby). The Republicans, religious right, cry for smaller government, but make no apology for regulating sex.

Although conservatives say they are for freedom, they are actually defending patriarchy.

About Sex for girls
The United States ranks first among developed nations in rates of both teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. In an effort to reduce these rates, the U.S. government has funded abstinence-only sex education programs for more than a decade. However, a public controversy remains over whether this investment has been successful and whether these programs should be continued. Using the most recent national data (2005) from all U.S. states with information on sex education laws or policies (N = 48), we show that increasing emphasis on abstinence education is positively correlated with teenage pregnancy and birth rates. This trend remains significant after accounting for socioeconomic status, teen educational attainment, ethnic composition of the teen population, and availability of Medicaid waivers for family planning services in each state. These data show clearly that abstinence-only education as a state policy is ineffective in preventing teenage pregnancy and may actually be contributing to the high teenage pregnancy rates in the U.S. In alignment with the new evidence-based Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative and the Precaution Adoption Process Model advocated by the National Institutes of Health, we propose the integration of comprehensive sex and STD education into the biology curriculum in middle and high school science classes and a parallel social studies curriculum that addresses risk-aversion behaviors and planning for the future. Abstinence-Only Education and Teen Pregnancy Rates: Why We Need Comprehensive Sex Education in the U.S Kathrin F. Stanger-Hall, David W. Hall, Published: October 14, 2011 PLOS
"I did try and f*ck her. She was married. And I moved on her very heavily" Donald Trump

‘Your body, my choice’: what misogynistic Trump supporters feel about sexual power (11/15/2024)

Donald Trump groped me in what felt like a ‘twisted game’ with Jeffrey Epstein, former model alleges (10/23/2024)

‘The US lost its shame muscle’: why sex no longer scandalizes in politics (9/27/2024)

The Republican party has become a full-fledged anti-sex movement (4/2/2024)

Anti-Abortion Republicans Want Comstock Laws to be their Secret Weapon in 2024

Indiana blocks world’s top sex research center from state funds: ‘a scary moment for academic freedom’ (2/28/2024)

Jury finds Trump must pay $83.3 million to E. Jean Carroll (1/26/2024)

Why does the Barbie movie have Republicans in such a tizzy? (7/20/2023)

'The sex ed class you wish you'd had': the influencer doctors teaching Americans the basics (7/6/2023) Guardian

National State of Emergency for LGBTQ+ Americans

How a 24-hour drag show predicted the past seven years in America (6/30/2023) the Guardian

Mapping Attacks on LGBTQ Rights in U.S. State Legislatures

The Great Panic: Trans-Sexuality and the Erosion of Patriarchy (5/25/2023)

Trump is now a legally defined sexual predator - will it affect his 2024 bid? (5/10/2023)

Conservative attacks on US abortion and trans healthcare come from the same place (5/24/2023)

Donald Trump Sexually Abused and Defamed E. Jean Carroll, Jury Finds (5/9/2023)

Republican attacks on trans people smack of fascism (4/30/2023) Robert Reich

Three trans girls playing sports is an emergency for Kansas Republicans (4/8/2023)

Republicans take aim at risque jokes and romance novels with anti-sex bills (2/17/2023)

Red State Plans to Investigate Abortion Seekers and Trans Youth Require Sanctuary States to Lock Down Data (1/7/2023)

Sex, the Culture Wars and a Republican Congress (12/1/2022)

Judith Butler: their philosophy of gender explained (10/19/2022)

Republicans want sex ed out of schools. That's a huge mistake. (5/11/2022)

This Holiday, I’m Going to a Gay Bar (11/22/2022)

A national 'Don't Say Gay' law? Republicans introduce bill to restrict LGBTQ-related programs (10/19/2022)

Gender Nonconformity: Further Erosion of Patriarchy (10/13/2022)

I’m a High-Risk Obstetrician, and I’m Terrified for My Patients (7/5/2022)

Republicans on Rape

The Republican War on Sex (7/2/2022)

Anti-LGBTQ+ attacks by US extremist groups surge as right spews vitriol (6/18/2022) Guardian

What the Buffalo Tragedy Has to Do With the Effort to Overturn Roe (5/21/2022)

Is Sexual Hysteria the New Communist Threat? (5/10/2022)

So, Let’s Talk About Republicans and Sex Crimes (4/9/2022)

Conservative Christian Groups Spend Globally to Promote Anti-LGBTQ Campaigns (11/9/2021)

UN experts condemn Texas abortion law as sex discrimination ‘at its worst’ (9/7/2021) Guardian

Virginia school board reaches $1.3M settlement with Gavin Grimm over bathroom policy (8/26/2021)

OnlyFans is making a shady attempt to build Gilead under the guise of women’s lib (8/21/2021)

Ken Starr helped Jeffrey Epstein with ‘scorched-earth’ campaign, book claims (7/13/2021)

Republicans Have Found Their Cruel New Culture War (4/11/2021)

The Hidden Rules of Gender (4/16/2021)

war against transgender people: What is the purpose of this senseless cruelty? (4/16/2021)

How did Washington State get sensible Sex Education Passed? The Religious Right is Collapsing (12/18/2020)

Why the far right is obsessed with "gender ideology" (9/20/2019)

The Undoing of Jeffrey Toobin (12/15/2020)

The Nudes Aren’t Going Away. Katie Hill’s OK With That. (8/8/2020)

"The point about disputes on such topics as the value of sexual abstinence, the role of religious charities in state-funded activities, the question of gay marriage, and the like, is that they are not framed to be resolved. Their political function is to divide the citizenry while obscuring class differences and diverting the voters' attention from the social and economic concerns of the general populace." Sheldon Wolin
Male privilege has been with us for — how long? Ten thousand years? A hundred thousand? Contraception, in the mere blink of an eye in historical terms, toppled the core rationale that justified that entire system. And now, every aspect of human society is frantically racing to catch up with that stunning fact. Everything will have to change in response to this — families, business, religion, politics, economics…everything. What the battle over birth control is really about
Bearman and Bruckner ...note that communities with the highest populations of purity ball attendees also have some of the country's highest rates of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). In Lubbock, Texas, where abstinence-only education has been mandated since 1995, the rate of gonorrhea has risen to double the national rate, while teen pregnancy has spiked to the highest level in the state. A congressionally funded study of adolescent behavior, Add Health - the most comprehensive of its kind in history - revealed another dirty secret of the Christian right: White evangelical women lose their virginity on average at age sixteen, younger than any group besides black Protestants. (from Max Blumenthal's excellent book Republican Gomorra Page 157)

The U.S. teen pregnancy and birth rates are the highest in the developed world. Eight out of ten teen pregnancies are unintended. The Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative and the Affordable Care Act both contribute significant funding streams toward comprehensive sex education for teens. Both are under attack by the Right Wing.

Trump competition

There is a double standard. A democratic President who has a affair is impeached, a republican President who has an affair is no big deal, even if his personal lawyer goes to jail for the crime.

Sex in America (12/12/2020)

Trump's sexual assault allegations: The full list of women who have accused the President (12/2/2019)

All the President's Women review: Donald Trump, sexual predator (10/27/2019)

When Does America Reckon with the Gravity of Donald Trump’s Alleged Rapes? (9/11/2019)

America’s Leaders Need Sex Ed (4/5/2019)

Facebook’s Sexual Solicitation Policy is a Honeypot for Trolls (12/7/2018)

Right-Wing Fantasies About Gender Are Killing Trans People (10/22/2018)

The Catholic Church Is Sick With Sex (8/31/2018))

Pennsylvania ‘predator priests’: More than 1,000 children sexually abused by Catholic church figures, report says (8/14/2018)

Michael Cohen secretly recorded tapes of Trump discussing payments to a former Playboy model (7/20/2018)

Playmate Who Aborted Elliott Broidy’s Love Child Makes ‘Troublesome Claims’ in New Lawsuit (7/9/2018)

Brzezinski says Trump complains he can't watch porn in White House (06/07/18)

Sex Crimes and Criminal Justice (5/4/2018)

Donald Trump, a Playboy Model, and a System for Concealing Infidelity (2/16/2018)

A new law is already stifling online expression and hurting sex workers (4/11/2018)

Amid Trump 'Deafening' Silence, Poll Shows Nearly Two-Thirds Believe Extramarital Affair Allegations (3/27/2018)

Why Can You Buy a Government But You Can’t Pay for Sex? (1/27/2018)

Religious Right leader gives Trump a pass on affair with adult film star (1/23/2018)

Trump Lawyer Allegedly Paid Porn Star $130,000 in Hush Money to Keep Affair With President Under Wraps (1/13/2018)

Why Aren't Leaders Held Accountable for War as They Are Beginning to Be for Sexual Abuse? (12/11/2017)

Trump Accuser Demands Release Of Documents On All His Sexual Assault Allegations (10/15/2017)

Save the Phony Weinstein Outrage, Republicans (10/16/2017)

Trump and Weinstein Are Both Sexual Harassers and Predators (10/10/2017)

US votes against UN resolution condemning gay sex death penalty, joining Iraq and Saudi Arabia (10/4/2017)

The Playboy President and Women’s Health (7/14/2017)

Trump Didn't 'Revoke' Protections for Trans Students-Because He Can't 02/23/2017

Here is a map showing teen birth rates by State. Guess which States are Republican.

Teen Birth Rate by State

The Religious-Liberty Attack on Transgender Rights (5/27/2016)

Michael Jordan to North Carolina: Scrap Bigoted Law or I Leave (5/8/2016)

Sex and violence are closely connected in the brain circuitry. (5/7/2016)

A Word About North Carolina (4/20/2016)

John OLiver on Sex (8/9/2015) Video

Our Sex-Crazed Congress (8/1/2015)

Catholic Democrats & the Group Behind the Anti-Planned Parenthood Videos(7/28/2015)

Perverted Republicans Obsessed With Your Sex Life (6/11/2015)

Memo to Republicans: On teen pregnancy, use evidence not ideology (6/26/2015)

Republican Hypocrites that led the impeachment of Bill Clinton (6/1/2015)

The Year In Homophobia: Ten Of The Worst Anti-LGBT Stories Of 2014 (12/23/2014)

The Creepy Misogynist Movement That's Making Conservatives Even More Sexist (12/24/2014)

Why Is Rape in the Origins of So Many Religions? (12/18/2014)

What the Battle over Birth Control Is Really About (7/2/2014)

Is Sex Republican ? (4/11/2014)

The Failures Of Abstinence-Only Education Illustrated In 2 Charts (2/20/2014)

Is Conservative Christianity bad for Marriage ? (1/22/2014)

The Party Of Rape Culture: 40 Republican Rape Quotes We All Should Remember (7/16/2013)

10 Most Absurd Sex Tips From the Christian Right (5/23/2013)

11 Actions That Prove Republicans Are Intent On Making 2013 A Terrible Year For Sex (4/12/2013)

Sexual humiliation, a tool to control the masses (4/12/2012)

The GOP's Long War Against Women and sex (2/22/2012)

GOP Candidates Obsessed With Sex (1/12/2012)

50 Reasons to Boycott the Catholic Church (11/26/2012)

Why Are Republican Prudes Still Anxious to Control Your Sex Life (1/10/2012)

15 Shocking Tales of How Sex Laws Are Screwing the American People(6/11/2009)

States Rejecting "Abstinence-Only" Funding Federal
--Government Has Spent Millions On Sex-'Ed' Approach, Now 15 States Not Interested 07 Jan 2008 CBS News reports: The government has provided states a $1 billion during the past decade for abstinence-only programs. But many say it just doesn't work, and they point to the teen birth rate's first rise in 15 years as proof. A growing number of states are taking a stand and actually rejecting federal abstinence-only funds. New Mexico just became the 15th.

5 Ways Conservatives Attack Sexual Freedom (8/14/2011)

Can American Attitudes about Sex Get Worse ?

Sex and the GOP (9/29/2010)

Glenn Beck's anti-gay army of God (9/5/2010)

Hypocritical Legal Crusade Against Craigslist Will Not Solve Violence Against Sex Trafficking Victims (9/6/2010)

Rethinking Stripping: So Why Are So Many Men Paying Women to Take off Their Clothes?

15 Shocking Tales of How Sex Laws Are Screwing the American People

Human Rights Watch (on Sex Offender Laws)

The Down and Dirty Politics of Sex

Sex and Relationships

Sexual Humiliation, a Tool to Control the Masses By Naomi Wolf, Guardian UK (4/12/2006)

Larry Flynt

See also PopulationWomen, Abortion and Religion


SEX AND THE CONSTITUTION: Sex, Religion, and Law From America’s Origins to the Twenty-First Century By Geoffrey R. Stone

Behind the sex of God : toward a new consciousness--transcending matriarchy and patriarchy by Ochs, Carol

Sex and World Peace by Valerie M. Hudson, Bonnie Ballif-Spanvill, Mary Caprioli, and Chad F. Emmett

EROS and Civilization, a Philosophical Inquiry into Freud by Herbert Marcuse

On Ethics, Sex, and Marriage Bertrand Russell

Freedom, Not Benefits: Sex workers are labor’s vanguard. The left ignores them at its peril. by Heather Berg

My Body by Emily Ratajkowski

The Right to Sex, Feminism in the Twenty-First Century By Amia Srinivasan

Why is Sex Fun ? The Evolution of Human Sexuality: Jared Diamond

Sex, Sin & Subversion: The Transformation of 1950s New York’s Forbidden into America’s New Normal by David Rosen

DEFENDING PORNOGRAPHY Free Speech, Sex, and the Fight for Women's Rights NADINE STROSSEN

All the Truth Is Out: The Week Politics Went Tabloid by Matt Bai

‘A Curious History of Sex’ Covers Aphrodisiacs, Bicycles, Graham Crackers and More (4/17/2020)

Full Disclosure, Stormy Daniels

All the President's Women: Donald Trump and the Making of a Predator, Barry Levine and Monique El-Faizy

A Guide to America's Sex laws: Richard A. Posner and Katherine B. Silbaugh

The War on Sex Edited by David M. Halperin and Trevor Hoppe

Angry White Men: Michael Kimmel

My Dangerous Desires: A Queer Girl Dreaming Her Way Home: Amber L. Hollibaugh

Sex and War: Malcolm Potts and Thomas Hayden.

The Irrational in Politics: Maurice Brinton (Read it on-line)

Marriage and Love: Emma Goldman

The chalice and the blade : our history, our future / Riane Eisler.

Anarchism and Sex