
Opinion: Trump’s Second Presidency Will Be Even Worse for Maternal Health (3/3/2025)

After Trump’s election, women are swearing off sex with men. This has been a long time coming (11/12/2024)

Bodily Autonomy is Impossible Under Capitalism (9/3/2024)

This is a misogyny emergency. A huge outpouring is coming in the runup to the US election
Carole Cadwalladr in the Guardian (7/27/2024)

The GOP's Unrelenting Attacks on Women's Rights: This is Just the Beginning (6/14/2024)

Health Execs Applaud Biden’s Executive Order on Women’s Health (3/19/2024)

Anti-abortion extremists in the US are waging a holy war against women (2/24/2024)

Why does the Barbie movie have Republicans in such a tizzy? (7/20/2023)

Women's Autonomy
From Donald Trump to Vladimir Putin, authoritarians celebrate machismo, denigrate the troublesome women who defy them, and appoint male-dominated governments to restore the country's (alleged) lost glory. Plenty of women espouse anti-democratic attitudes, but removing women from power and sending them back to the domestic sphere is part of the dictator's playbook. The Right to be Elected: Jennifer M. Piscopo and Shauna L. Shames
Gender equality is at the very heart of human rights and United Nations values. Gender-based discrimination is prohibited under almost every human rights treaty. Despite much progress made in securing women’s rights globally, millions of women and girls continue to experience discrimination and violence, being denied of their equality, dignity and autonomy, and even a life. This discrimination and violence against women and girls, deeply rooted in the fabric of societies, is persistent and systematic. And in recent years, there has been a recurrence of scepticism against and denial of international standards concerning women’s human rights, gender equality and gender-based violence, while women and girls are increasingly raising voices to demand equality, including through feminist movements.
Trump does not blame women for making him feel lustful. His misogyny manifests mainly as sexual harassment, along with grade-school put-downs, of women who cross or challenge him. (This may not seem very new, but set that aside for the moment.) Rosie O’Donnell mocked Trump’s show of munificence in pardoning Miss Universe for indulging in underage drinking, so he called O’Donnell a pig and a dog, among other epithets. Carly Fiorina competed with Trump for the Republican nomination; he implied that her face was not attractive enough for a president. When Fox News’s Megyn Kelly pressed Trump about his history of insulting women, he fumed that she had blood coming out of her eyes and her “wherever,” coining a new euphemism by way of a word-finding problem. Hillary Clinton’s bathroom break at a debate was “disgusting”; Elizabeth Warren is “Pocahontas,” Hillary’s “goofy friend.” Kate Manne in the Boston Review (7/11/2016)
Sadly, the Trump administration’s disregard for maternal and child health is not limited to its foreign-aid policies. Unlike many other countries, the US has actually experienced an increase in maternal deaths in recent years, and now has the highest rate of maternal mortality among developed countries. Nevertheless, Trump and congressional Republicans have taken steps to bar federal- and state-level funding for Planned Parenthood, an organization that provides vital health-care services to millions of pregnant women and mothers. Anne-Marie Slaughter , Elizabeth Radin (3/19/2019)
The Supreme Court knows who is a woman and who isn’t. Women are those people the government gets to force to bear children against their will. Women are those people who can’t make their own decisions about their own lives. Women are those people whose bodies belong to the state. Ophelia Benson

Hear Me Roar (with Nina Burleigh), Notes on the Post-Patriarchy by Greg Olear (8/5/2022)

Wmens health protection act

According to a UN report from 2014 surveying 185 countries and territories, only two did not guarantee any paid maternity leave; Papua New Guinea and the United States. The United States is also one of only a handful of countries that don”t guarantee their workers any paid time off for illness – others include Angola, India and Liberia.

Republican attack on Women's Rights.

Women DO have a choice. Defeat Republicans or lose rights. Republicans have a right to practice their religion, but not to impose it on anyone else. Keep religion out of medical practice.

Small government Republicans think they can legislate women's most sensitive personal decisions instead of trusting them to make their own most informed choice.

Hypocrisy is on full display as Republicans advocate for the unborn, but find that paying for basic needs for survival like food, healthcare, or education are too expensive. They don´t seem to care much for the living, only the unborn. Their treatment of migrants and children at the border is proof of their disregard of human rights. So is torture.

Bear in mind that the Evangelicals, the Catholic Church, and the Republican warriors in the culture war are a serious danger to democracy, a motivator of violence, and insofar as they are unwilling to acknowledge climate damage and overpopulation they are a danger to the habitability of the planet.

Republicans belief in 'small government' allows imposing their religious beliefs on women and the rest of us. Even if it means apocalypse. After all, they are expecting it, it validates their deepest beliefs, and, being climate deniers, they may accomplish it.

Republicans claim to value liberty, but won't allow choice if it is at odds with their ideology. If they really valued liberty, they would stay out of individual personal medical decisions of all kinds. Instead they would repeal the ACA with no replacement throwing 32 million off healthcare.

Republicans don't believe in family planning, birth control, a women's right to choose, gay marriage, sex education, or other population limiting policy.They are, in many ways, like the Taliban. They are sometimes violent about it.

Human population has grown beyond earth's sustainability, the kids will inherit a hostile planet. But Republicans do not acknowledge a problem, oppose a women's right to choose, family planning, reproductive rights or even sex education.

Yes, we’ve become Gilead. (4/25/2022)

What We See in the Shameful Trends on U.S. Maternal Health (11/21/2021) NYT

Trump advisory board member: Women should strive to be “handmaidens,” stay out of the workplace (11/18/2019)

The Philosopher of #MeToo: Kate Manne and the fight against misogyny. (11/13/2019)

Social Contract


Red States





Health Care


Seneca Project



Code Pink

League of Women Voters

National Women's Law Center

Equal Rights Amendment


Equal Rights Amendment

Committee on CEDAW (6/2021)

Gender and Education Association

Bitch Magazine


Feminism 101

Feminist Foundation Blog

Feminist Ryan Gosling




Ms. Magazine

Rewire News Group

Women's eNews

Hoyden About Town


Ms. Magazine

Musings of an Inappropriate Woman

Operation Beautiful

Pretty Little Things

Settle Petal

LiP Magazine


The Brainwash Project

The Dawn Chorus

The F-Bomb

The Feminine Mystique

The Mamafesto

Viva La Feminista

Where is Your Line

Womanist Musings

Wom*n’s Department of the University of Melbourne Student Union

Young Feminists Blog

Republican War on Women

The Most Dangerous Time for Women’s Rights in Decades (5/15/2019)

The Republicans of Gilead, A louche administration takes aim at reproductive rights. (2/25/2019)

Why Are Catholic Bishops Making Reproductive Health-Care Decisions? (4/23/2019)

The Republicans of Gilead, A louche administration takes aim at reproductive rights. (2/25/2019)

So it’s true: Republicans really do hate women (10/5/2018)

The Age That Women Have Babies: How a Gap Divides America (8/4/2018)

U.S. Opposition to Breast-Feeding Resolution Stuns World Health Officials (7/9/2018)

Trump’s Judicial Nominees Are Bad for Women (12/7/2017)

Trump on Hot Mic: ‘When You’re a Star … You Can Do Anything’ to Women (10/7/2016)

This photo sums up Trump’s assault on women’s rights (1/24/2017)

Trump responds to Megyn Kelly's questions on misogyny – with more misogyny (8/6/2015)

The bible is anti-woman, blaming women for sin, demanding subservience, mandating a slave/master relationship to men, and demonstrating contempt and lack of compassion: "I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee." Gen. 3:16
“Do you have any idea what year it is? Did you fall down, hit your head, and think you woke up in the 1950s or the 1890s? Should we call for a doctor? Because I simply cannot believe that in the year 2015, the United States Senate would be spending its time trying to defund women’s health care centers. You know, on second thought, maybe I shouldn’t be that surprised. The Republicans have had a plan for years to strip away women’s rights to make choices over our own bodies. Just look at the recent facts.” Elizabeth Warren (8/5/2015)
The Convention to End All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) is an international bill of rights for women that has set the standard achieving equality between men and women around the world. One hundred eighty six countries have ratified CEDAW since the United Nations' General Assembly approved it on December 18, 1979. Of all the UN treaties, only the Convention on the Rights of the Child boasts more signatories. Seven member-states of the United Nations have yet to ratify it: Iran, Nauru, Palau, Somalia, Sudan, Tonga - and the United States. This makes the US the only industrialized democracy in the world that has not ratified CEDAW. Why? Why hasn’t the US ratified CEDAW? What impact would CEDAW has in the US? While few Americans have even heard of this treaty, CEDAW has been on the American political agenda for the past thirty years. President Carter signed it in 1980 and since then Senate has held hearings on CEDAW ratification five times - in 1988, 1990, 1994, 2000 and 2010. Each time senators have failed to bring the ratification question to a vote on the Senate floor. The failure to ratify CEDAW surprises those who assume that the United States is a world leader when it comes to women’s rights." Lisa Baldez 2011. (Download her paper.)

Bad News
"I did try and f*ck her. She was married. And I moved on her very heavily" Donald Trump

Pay Disparities for Women in the Retail SectorA Challenge to Congress

When you wonder why an advanced country like the US does not ratify basic human rights for women, look to Republicans.

In England, it’s 280 days.
In Russia, it’s 140 days.
In China, it’s 90 days.
And in Saudi Arabia, it’s 70 days.

I’m talking about guaranteed paid maternity leave for new mothers.

In the United States, it’s 0 days.


Join our allies at USAction in supporting a bill in Congress that would make it easier for working people to take time off to care for new children or to deal with serious health conditions.

Proof of the GOP War on Women

Bill That Lets Bosses Fire Single Women For Getting Pregnant Gains Steam (7/16/2015)

The GOP: Fiddling With Your Uterus While Our Country Burns (5/14/2015)

The Capitalist Origins of the Oppression of African Women (3/6/2015)

Women's Bodies Can't Perform Magic (Someone Please Tell Republicans) (3/4/2015)

Republicans Unanimously Block Equal Pay Bill (9/15/2014)

What the Battle over Birth Control Is Really About (7/2/2014)

Tell Congress: Bosses should NOT be able to make our birth control decisions for us! (7/1/2014)

5 Signs the U.S. Is Failing to Protect Women’s Rights in the Workplace (6/30/2014)

What Makes a Slut? Apparently, Just Being a Woman (6/23/2014)

RNC Reaches Out to Women (aGAIN) 4/14/2014

What’s the GOP’s Excuse for Opposing Equal Pay This Time? (4/8/2014)

See Who Voted “No” to the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) (3/1/2013)

The GOP's Long War Against Women and sex (2/22/2012)

Violence Against Women Act (9/13/2014)

GOP: A Cult of Misogyny to Mask a Cult of Greed (2/18/2012)

20 years ago today -- due to the leadership of then Senator Joe Biden and countless others -- the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) was passed. It put in place vital measures to stop domestic violence. Since VAWA was enacted in 1994, incidents of violence have fallen by more than 50 percent. That’s a huge step forward. But despite the legislation’s resounding success, violence against women remains a real problem -- in our military, on college campuses, and in homes across the country. And yet the majority of Republicans in Congress are against the bill. In fact, they blocked its funding for more than 500 days. That’s why -- on the 20th anniversary of VAWA -- we’re declaring our continued commitment to ending domestic violence. And we’re demanding that Republicans stop blocking our efforts once and for all. Add your name to demand an end to violence against women

Paycheck Fairness Act (4/11/2013)

EVERY SINGLE House Republican just voted to block the Paycheck Fairness Act.

This bill is critical to helping close the wage gap for women in the workplace, but Republicans don’t think that’s an issue worth caring about.

We’ve got more work to do to get this bill passed. Will you step up and help make sure that women receive equal pay for equal work?

Click here to automatically sign our petition calling on Congress to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act >>




The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), also known as the Treaty for Women's Equality, is a landmark international agreement that affirms principles of fundamental human rights and equality for women around the world. CEDAW is a practical blueprint for each country to achieve progress for women and girls.

Ratification of CEDAW strengthens the United States as a global leader in standing up for women and girls. To date, 187 out of 194 countries have ratified the treaty. The United States is one of only seven countries—including Iran, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, and two small Pacific Island nations (Palau and Tonga)—that have not yet ratified CEDAW.  (CEDAW2014)

The first lady of Iceland commented that there cannot be gender equality without a safety net, which Republicans oppose. They refuse Medicaid even though it could avoid thousands of unnecessary deaths and regularly threaten Social Security and oppose other programs that actually benefit people. They outlaw Abortion, close women’s health services assuring the US lag in maternal health.

Don't It Make Your Red State Blue ? (3/17/2014)

Team Is It, Anyway ? (11/30/2009)Support jobs for Women

More Women in Congress? Republicans Say, ‘No!’ (11/3/2013)

Ladies, Here's Why You Should Be Psyched About Obamacare (9/20/2013)

GOP Budget is Bad For Women And Children (3/13/2013)

News for the Violence Against Women Act

GOP War On Women and Planned Parenthood Continues

GOP Blocks the Violence Against Women Act

Republicans, You Need an Accountability Intervention (3/2/2012)

Sign the petition to re-authorize the violence against women act (1/8/2013)


Women's Rights

Riane Eisler (video about 23 minutes.)

Empowering Women Empowers Us All




Women's Treaty


AHA Foundation

Emily's List

Women's Economic Empowerment: A Roadmap

Women's International League For Peace and Freedom

Institute for Research on Male Supremacism, www.malesupremacism.org

GOP TO WOMEN: Equal Pay, No Way!


See also this page on abortion


Sex and World Peace by Valerie M. Hudson, Bonnie Ballif-Spanvill, Mary Caprioli, and Chad F. Emmett

These Women Used the Rule of Law to Challenge Trumpism by Dahlia Lithwick

The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood

What Do We Need Men For ? E. Jean Carroll (2019)

Down Girl: The Logic of Misogyny, Kate Manne

LADY JUSTICE: Women, the Law, and the Battle to Save America, by Dahlia Lithwick

How Male Privilege Hurts Women, Kate Manne

The Man Who Hated Women: Sex, Censorship & Civil Liberties in The Gilded Age by Amy Sohn

Good and Mad, the Revolutionary Power of Women s Anger, Rebecca Traister

The Chalice and The Blade: Our History, Our Future by Riane Eisler

Defying Convention: U.S. Resistance to the UN Treaty on Women's Rights: By Lisa Baldez

Call to Action: Jimmy Carter

Republican War Against Women: Tanya Melich 1996