the Catholic Church is by self-definition a structure of hierarchical authority run by a single man
who holds the keys of heaven given by Jesus to St. Peter. If that’s not a conservative institution, I don’t know what is.
PLAYING GOD: American Catholic Bishops and the Far Right, by Mary Jo McConahay (from a New York Times review.)
“Tell me your image of God and I’ll tell you your politics.” - Marcus
"… the Roman Catholic Church, an institution directed at the control of thought in the European world.
Its power was based in regular surveillance of the conduct and thoughts of every human being, around the censorship of all reading material,
and, in the end, upon the ability to predict and to punish unorthodox thought."
Eben Moglen quoted in Journalism After Snowden.
“Sacred texts teach deference to authority; that´s part of what makes them
sacred. A credible idea of God implies an idea of power.”
Adam Gopnik. The New Yorker
“If the B52 bombers flying over Vietnam were
dropping contraceptives, the American Catholic hierarchy would have
condemned that in a minute, but they were dropping
— James Carroll
"… the Roman Catholic Church, an institution directed at the control of thought in the European world.
Its power was based in regular surveillance of the conduct and thoughts of every human being, around the censorship of all reading material,
and, in the end, upon the ability to predict and to punish unorthodox thought." Eben Moglen quoted in Journalism After Snowden.
There's free thinking and then there's indoctrination. Too often conservatism has tended and continues to tend towards the latter. Catholicism in particular, from the destruction of the texts of the Greek and Roman atomists, and the library in Alexandria, to the imprisonment of Galileo, and the policing of Diderot's Encyclopédie, has a rich history of knowledge suppression. And throughout it has used the power of the state to enforce its dogma. In this respect it has been indistinguishable from the Taliban, which is important,
because we can see where conservative education led the Islamic world......into obscurity.
Letter to the New York Times
I think one can provide many illustrative examples of the way in which politics has interfered with the progress of health. And the influence of religion never did show itself until the Vatican began to use its influence through the church organizational structure, which, incidentally, probably is one of the best organizational structures the world's ever seen.
So, one way or another, sometimes surreptitiously, the Catholic church used its influence to defeat, if you will, any movement toward family planning or birth control.
Milton P. Siegel
About 22%
of the US is Catholic, but 66% of the Supreme Court is.
Former US district court judge Albert Levitt estimated that
140 principles of the Catholic Church were in conflict with the Constitution.
(See The Court and The Cross, the Religious Right's Crusade to Reshape the Supreme Court a 2008 book by Frederick S. Lane.)
“ Countries with a high percentage of nonbelievers are among the freest, most
stable, best-educated, and healthiest nations on earth. When nations
are ranked according to a human-development index, which measures
such factors as life expectancy, literacy rates, and educational
attainment, the five highest-ranked countries --- Norway, Sweden,
Australia, Canada, and the Netherlands -- all have high degrees of
nonbelief. Of the fifty countries at the bottom of the index, all are
intensely religious." Greg Graffin and Steve Olson: Anarchy,
Evolution, Faith, Science and Bad Religion in a World Without God
“If the B52 bombers flying over Vietnam were
dropping contraceptives, the American Catholic hierarchy would have
condemned that in a minute, but they were dropping napalm”
— James Carroll
The Cold War was one of history's great religious wars, 'a global conflict
between the god-fearing and the godless'. (p. 1) It was a war in
which 'Christianity was appropriated by Western propagandists and
policy-makers for their anti-communist arsenal' (p. 2), nowhere
more so than in the USA. But in addition, as this volume
demonstrates, Christianity was not simply a tool of psychological
warfare. Church leaders were not merely pawns in a political game;
they were active participants. Their flocks were not only
recipients of propaganda; for millions religious faith was central
to their lives. This fact is most vividly demonstrated in the
several chapters that deal with the Catholic Church and Pope Pius
XII during the early years of the Cold War.
Religion and the Cold War edited by: Dianne Kirby
“Major ways of thinking about the world constitute
just-world theories...The Catholic Church is a just world theory. If
the Inquisition burned heretics, they only got what they deserved.
Bolshevism was a just-world theory. If Kulaks were starved and exiled,
They got what they deserved. Fascism was a just-world theory. If Jews
died in the concentration camps, they got what they deserved. The point
is not that the good people get the good things, but the bad people get
the bad things. Neoclassical economics, our principal source of policy
norms, is a just-world theory.” Avner Offer, author of the Challenge of
Affluence , Self-Control and Well-Being in the United States and
Britain Since 1950 quoted in Wages of
Rebellion, the Moral Imperative of Revolt: Chris Hedges pg 77.
Whatever the stated intentions of those who attacked and suppressed liberation theology,
in practical terms they were the allies of tyrants, land-grabbers, debt slavers and death squads.
For all his ostentatious humility, Pope Francis was on the wrong side.
George Monbiot, Cardinal Sins. 2013
50 Reasons to Boycott the Catholic Church (11/26/2012)
Alliance (2/22/2012) Good reasons to avoid Catholic hospitals.
It is a given that all institutions seek to expand their
turf. The Catholic
Church has always encouraged large families, indoctrinated children early, and defended primogeniture.
Since population now exceeds the carrying capacity
of the planet, Catholic doctrine is increasingly dangerous. Like other major religions,
it also makes second class citizens of women.
See Abortion.
Assuming the very altruistic become clergy, isn't it
possible that the Catholic commitment to celibacy can breed that characteristic
out of the population ?
Church hires Fox News Reporter (6/27/2012)
vs Condoms (5/31/2012)
angry as church puts female ordination on par with sex abuse (7/15/2010)
Leader Says Woman Should Die With Her Fetus -- When Did Woman-Hating Go Mainstream? (5/24/2010)
Church Worsening Sins of the Past (4/27/2010)
Celibacy Debate Re-emerges amid Church Abuse Scandal (3/12/2010)
Bishops Put Sex Obsession Ahead of Mission to the Sick and the Poor
Whose Team Is It, Anyway ?
the Catholic Bishops Who Pushed Through the Stupak Amendment Are Hypocrites
The Vatican Role in population policy.
Catholic CIA
- How does this relate to torture ? See CIA.
Genocide and the Role of the Catholic Church in Rwanda
Thousands Raped and Abused in Irish Catholic Schools
Who is Catholic League president William Donohue?
Catholic role in Nazi Germany
The Catholic Fascist dictators of the 20th Century
Hitler's Faith
Pope distorting scientific evidence about condoms, claims Lancet
The Catholic Church is a powerful force censoring media. (See
no Evil: Geoffrey Cowan)
Is Christianity responsible for historic European violent culture ?
See the role of Catholics in the CIA.
Is the Catholic Church a Fascist organization ?
It’s not just that it allies and supports fascists, previously Hitler, Mussolini,
or more recently Donald Trump and apparently other right wing movements world-wide.
Like other authoritarians, its leader claims to be infallible, talks to 'God',
demands loyalty, and seeks to expand its reach using brutal military action by national allies.
It relies on an underclass. In the case of the Church, it is women
who are second class and sex repression is enforced in the form of celibacy,
opposition to abortion, LGTBQ, or sexism.
It has been prosecuted for wide ranging instances of pedophilia to the point of bankruptcy in some areas.
It is at the heart of the culture war.
The Catholic Church seeks to expand, encourages large families, which is why it opposes
recognition of population overshoot, and abortion.
The Dark Ages were dominated by the Church which stifled creativity just as all
Fascist regimes do.
Art and science did not recover much until the renaissance.
The Church motivated the Crusades and the Inquisition, kept Europe in a more or less constant state of war for centuries, accompanied European Colonial expansion, was complicit with the slaughter of indigenous people in America and Africa. It continues Middle East chaos.
The Cold War was a religious war against godless Communism.
It's opposition to women's choice continues to lead to
occasional violence, political polarization, and poor healthcare.
Like other fascist movements, it is accompanied by censorship, propaganda
and unbelievable misinformation. As Voltaire explained:
"those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities".
The real reason we have a majority of Catholic conservatives ruling in Supreme Court robes,
is that they have shown themselves to be the most amenable to the corruption of keeping the American aristocracy at the top.
Mitch and Trump and Barr have said as much.
Own the courts, own the law, own the poor.
comment in the New York Times.
In “Courting Disaster: How the C.I.A. Kept America Safe and How Barack Obama Is Inviting the Next Attack,”
Mr. Thiessen, a practicing Roman Catholic, [Bush speech writer] says that waterboarding suspected terrorists was not only useful and desirable, but permitted by the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Defender of Waterboarding Hears From Critics (2/26/2010)
“I know there have been holy popes, but the overarching history of the Vatican has
been secrecy, lies, antipathy to democracy, crimes and unscrupulous
That explains why the Catholic church is authoritarian and why most of its laity
are ‘conservative’. They claim the Pope is infallible.
So Catholics, like other authoritarian religions,
naturally ally with Republicans, a
far right, authoritarian, minority party that win elections without the popular vote, who
have worked for a long time to create an imperial Presidency.
Some evangelicals say Trump is the chosen one.
The Pope urges Catholics to vote against Trump.
If Catholics listened to the Pope, they would abolish the death penalty
(that would be pro-life),
and believe the science warnings of impending climate destruction.
The truth has a liberal bias. “Conservative
antipathy to science is nothing new has long denied and
denigrated the scientific consensus on issues from evolution to stem
cell research to climate change. This hostility has several causes,
including populist distrust of experts, religious rejection of
information that undermines biblical literalism and efforts by giant
corporations to evade regulation.”
It cost lives in the pandemic and climate collapse will be devastating.
Pro-choice Catholic Democrats who have been instructed to forgo
Holy Communion include former Kansas governor Kathleen Sebelius,
former New York governor Mario Cuomo,
former US Secretary of State John Kerry, and even
President Biden.
Elizabeth Adeliba
It is tribalism, not the moral tenets and humanitarian thought of pure religion, that makes good people do bad things.
The Meaning of Human Existence, Edward O. Wilson
Religion is a critical part of every culture. It is tribal.
History reveals continuous wars, genocide, and chaos caused by it.
Jews were harassed for centuries, notably from the inquisition to the holocaust.
The Crusades were wars on Muslims which continue today.
Religion was the cutting edge of colonialism and inspired the slaughter of many indigenous.
The Cold War was with godless communism.
It is the motivation for authoritarian government like Fascism, terrorism like 9/11,
and war like Iraq and Afghanistan.
It is mostly propaganda and its refusal to acknowledge science results in
poor education and is at least partly responsible for the suicidal agenda
in progress in the US.
It is a truism that almost any sect, cult, or
religion will legislate its creed into law if it acquires the political
power to do so." Robert Heinlein
It is the Catholic church that interferes in politics to outlaw abortion, such zealotry causes violence.
Abortion like race is also a wedge issue for Republicans.
Catholic politicians who dissent are punished.
Religiosity is the reason US social programs are weak,
since they compete with the public to provide services, which come with some ideology.
Religion and socialism are like two buckets. When one goes up, the other goes down.
“ Vaticano
S.p.A. (Vatican
Inc.) by Gianluigi Nuzzi was published January 1, 2009. Documents
obtained by a Vatican employee who didn’t want them published until
after his death show the IOR functions as an “off-shore”
financial institution for rightwing politicians, the Mafia, Italian
tax-evaders and other disreputable characters. “The IOR…ensures
privileges to be granted in exchange
for political backing, legal provisions and business support.”
have been one of the major
forces attacking Obamacare, filing
lawsuits arguing that non-church Catholic employers should be able to
decide whether or not employee health insurance plans will cover
contraception. This is effectively an argument that a woman's
employer should be allowed to force her to pay more for medical
coverage, or even place it out of her reach altogether, based on his
religious beliefs.
William Barr,a paranoid
right-wing Catholic ideologue won’t respect the separation of church and state, defends
Trump’s corruption by dismissing US Attorneys who are investigating Trump,
and is acting like the President’s Roy Cohn, putting him above the law. This
is not what the Constitution intended.
Kertzer spent seven years researching the history of Italy during the years prior to
World War II. The professor of anthropology and Italian Studies at
Brown University dug into Vatican archives, looking at documents that
had just become accessible, in addition to poring over government and
private papers from other countries. His conclusion was disturbing:
Although it was believed the Roman Catholic Church vigorously opposed
the Fascists, the opposite was true. The Vatican abetted the Fascist
regime, kept it in power and supported harsh measures against the
Jews. Kertzer’s book is
The Pope and Mussolini: The Secret History of Pius XI and the Rise of Fascism in Europe .
Catholics are authoritarians and support the like minded Republicans who are
looking more and more like fascists,
allying with other right-wing
dictators. They are sworn enemies of democracy.
The 2020 election was between a dictator and democracy. It should not
be a tough choice. The religious right is wrong.
The Church is deeply into politics, which by law is the condition for their tax exempt status.
About 22% of the US
is Catholic, but 66% of the Supreme Court is.
The Catholic Church Is Sick With Sex (8/31/2018))
The Catholic Church: Abusing, Endangering, And Intimidating Women (5/25/2011)
Catholic News Stories Fox Doesn't Care About
Bishops Put Sex Obsession Ahead of Mission to the Sick and the Poor
the Catholic Bishops Who Pushed Through the Stupak Amendment Are Hypocrites
Freakonomics on the relation of abortion and crime.
Impact of Legalized Abortion on Crime
Who is Catholic League president William Donohue?
Catholic role in Nazi Germany
The Catholic Fascist dictators of the 20th Century
Hitler's Faith
Pope distorting scientific evidence about condoms, claims Lancet
The CIA was also closely in league with the Vatican, itself
still embroiled in its wartime alliance with the Nazis. The Vatican
was smuggling to the West war criminals such as Father Andrija
Artukovic, the Franciscan who had helped exterminate hundreds of
thousands of Serbs in Croatia. Hiding in the Vatican was one Walter
Rauff, a German Nazi who had spent the last months of the war
leading an extermination unit of SS men across Italy, gassing to
death some 250,000 victims, mainly Jewish women and children.
Rauff's protector was Allen Dulles's old friend Monsignor Don
Giusseppe Bicchierai, who assembled a terror gang charged with the
task of beating up left-wing candidates, smashing political
gatherings and intimidating voters. Their money, guns, and jeeps
were furnished by the CIA.
Whiteout: Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St Clair pg 138
The Alliance Between the CIA and the Vatican
Google 'CIA Catholics' and visit here
‘It’s being abused by an entire belief system’: a haunting film on sexual abuse by Catholic clergy Guardian 11/2021
PLAYING GOD: American Catholic Bishops and the Far Right, by Mary Jo McConahay
The Pope at War by David I. Kertzer
Hitler's Religion: The Twisted Beliefs that Drove the Third Reich: Richard Weikart
Vaticanism: Political Principles of the Roman Catholic Church By Albert Levitt
How to separate church & state : a manual from the trenches by Barry McGowan
God and the Fascists: The Vatican Alliance with Mussolini, Franco, Hitler, and Pavelić, by Karlheinz Deschner
Bad Faith, Race and the Rise of the Religious Right by Randall Balmer
CATHOLICISM: A Global History From the French Revolution to Pope Francis By John T. McGreevy
When There’s a Heartbeat: Miscarriage Management in Catholic-Owned Hospital
The Court and the Cross, The Religious Rights Crusade to Reshape the Supreme Court: Frederick S. Lane
MORTAL SINS Sex, Crime, and the Era of Catholic Scandal: Michael D'Antonio
Taking Liberties: Why Religious Freedom Doesn't Give You The Right To Tell
Other People What To Do: Robert Boston
Agony in the Garden, Sex, Lies and Redemption from the Heart of the American Catholic Church by John van der Zee
God and His Demons: Michael Parenti
The Pope and Mussolini: The Secret History of Pius XI and the Rise of Fascism in Europe. Kertzer, David I. (2014). Oxford University Press.
Hitler's Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII: John Cornwell
And the Fascists, the Vatican alliance with Mussolini, Franco, Hitler and Pavelic: Karlheinz Deschner
Constantine's Sword (a history of anti-Semitism in the Catholic Church based on James
Carroll's book of the same name. Explores the link between the U.S. military and the Christian right.)
Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian America: Kevin M. Kruse
Terror in the Mind of God, The Global Rise of Religious Violence by Mark Juergensmeyer
Religion and the Cold War edited by Dianne Kirby
The thesis of Kirby's excellent introduction is that
the Cold War was one of history's great religious wars, 'a global
conflict between the god-fearing and the godless'. (p. 1) It was a
war in which 'Christianity was appropriated by Western
propagandists and policy-makers for their anti-communist arsenal'
(p. 2), nowhere more so than in the USA. But in addition, as this
volume demonstrates, Christianity was not simply a tool of
psychological warfare. Church leaders were not merely pawns in a
political game; they were active participants. Their flocks were
not only recipients of propaganda; for millions religious faith was
central to their lives. This fact is most vividly demonstrated in
the several chapters that deal with the Catholic Church and Pope
Pius XII during the early years of the Cold War.