New BibleSacred texts teach deference to authority; that´s part of what makes them sacred. A credible idea of God implies an idea of power. How to Read the Good Books From the Torah to the Quran, sacred texts can resist and reward modern readers. By Adam Gopnik. The New Yorker (1/28/2019)
...charge with blasphemy any religious or political leader who claims to speak with or on behalf of God.” ... “The great religions are, sources of ceaseless and unnecessary suffering. They are impediments to the grasp of reality needed to solve most social problems in the real world.” The Meaning of Human Existence, Edward O. Wilson “The word God is for me nothing but the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of venerable but still rather primitive legends,” Einstein The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character of all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.[1] Richard Dawkins The bible is anti-woman, blaming women for sin, demanding subservience, mandating a slave/master relationship to men, and demonstrating contempt and lack of compassion: "I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee." Gen. 3:16 “Make your own bible. Select and collect all the words and sentences that in all your readings have been to you like the blast of a trumpet.”
"There are those who want to repress reason. Christian, Muslim, and Hindu fundamentalists, and those who pick a totem market economy, the liberal economic state. These are all anti-reason. " Amartya Sen. from Harper's Magazine, June 2009. It is tribalism, not the moral tenets and humanitarian thought of pure religion, that makes good people do bad things. The Meaning of Human Existence, Edward O. Wilson Regarding liberty, justice places limits on the amount allowed; regarding equality, justice places limits on the kind and degree it allows. Thus justice is the sovereign idea among those that we act on—it places limits on the subordinate values of liberty and equality. Too much of either liberty or equality results in an unjust society. I agree with Adler, justice is the ultimate idea of moral and political philosophy. John G.Messerly, PhD ![]() ![]()
Sacred texts should be regarded as ancient, historical artifacts that reflect the state of knowledge many centuries ago. We have learned a lot over millennia. Indoctrinating kids with centuries old writings is to introduce them to authoritarianism, superstition, and a view that people are not part of nature, do not control their own destiny, and have no responsibility for the environment. Better to rely on updated text that explains what we now know of the origins of the universe, the earth, life, man, morality, and our challenges. Not to do so is to continue to deceive ourselves and our children, hold back education, continue cultural conflict, and deny the challenges we face. It should replace not just the Christian Bible, but other 'sacred texts that misinform. indoctrinate, and tend to authoritarianism. We are not much good at governing. Since science is a belief system with a well developed methodology, it is constantly evolving, it is our way to get to understanding the truth. Since it is godless, it is, by definition, not a religion. Reject the parts of the 'sacred' texts that we know are wrong, so that we stop the misinformation. As we learn, our understanding should evolve. We will do well to avoid our own self-destruction, which looks likely. E.O.Wilson's book Consilience [free on line] makes the case that faith is best placed in the unity of all knowledge. We will never know it all. Ultimately, reality will win. It doesn't care if we survive. We better grow up, evaluate the evidence, and face nature before we destroy our only home planet. Truth![]() Religion, to be a useful human
activity, should be about seeking truth. That's not usually what it
is about though. Politicians use it to advantage. (Bush
says he talks to God.) Evidence does not support biblical accounts of
the origin of the universe, the earth, or of species, but the faithful
in their continuing willful ignorance, cling to the old stories. Men who spoke to god, or thought they did, wrote the bible. We
have such people today, but they are not ones we listen to
seriously. They are sometimes locked up for their own safety. Out
of their imagination they invented stories to explain the creation,
the origins of life, the ancestry of man. We have gathered evidence
of geological history, evolution, of the
history of man and it is a
rich story, but it is not the
one told in the bible. Our most prominent rulers use religion for their own ends.
Sometimes they declare themselves devine. Other times they simply
want more power or empire and they don't care if they torture
or kill a lot of people for their own personal goals. Medieval
religions became a political tool. Every city and town has churches
that provide jobs to many. Resources of the faithful build impressive
cathedrals used to convey the message that they are helping the poor,
while opposing efforts to actually provide civic supports. The faithful
tend to be Republicans. Because they tell a story that has been shown false, major Religions are a drag on education. They discourage inquiry, they claim the revealed truth, and they often become violent when an argument arises. The faithful are the most fervent deniers of evolution, global warming, peak oil, environmental degradation, or the need to slow population growth. See Chris Mooney's book: the The Republican War on Science. Religion, when successful, is very
profitable. It is big business, it is tax-free and because it serves
the short-term wishes of a powerful elite, it seems
to oppose every effort to assure the long term survival
of humanity and of the planet. Declaration in Defense of Science and Secularism Censoring Science: Inside the political attack on Dr. James Hansen and the Truth of Global Warming. Mark Bowen. Copied from a tweetThe Bible plagiarized many of its stories, such as the book of Genesis, the foundational work of the Old Testament. Many scholars admit that the book of Genesis is largely plagiarized from the Epic of Gilgamesh. The Epic of Gilgamesh is an epic poem from Mesopotamia (a historical region of West Asia) and is one of the earliest known works of literature, dating back to the 18th century BCE, so long before the Bible was dreamed up! The first parallel is between the story of Enkidu/Shamhat and Adam/Eve. In both stories, a man is created from the soil by a god and lives among the animals. He is introduced to a woman who tempts him (yes, women often get the blame 😀), he accepts her offering of food, decides to cover his nakedness, leaves paradise, and is not allowed to return. Later on in this epic, a snake steals a plant from Gilgamesh which has the power to give him immortality. The snake represents evil in the epic of Gilgamesh and represents Satan in the Bible. The parallels are so identical that it would be an impossible coincidence if the authors of the Bible had invented the story themselves. There are many more plagiarized myths in the Bible! Functions of Religion![]() Jared Diamond: The Evolution of Religion (Video about 88 minutes.) Medieval religion usually accompanied initiatives for empire, it is one of the major causes of war, or at least it is a pretext. It is often sexist, racist, and brutal. It relies on early childhood indoctrination to convince people of unbelievable things. As many people would like to believe, it is a way to deny death and to offer great rewards in the after-life to those going to war. That can be comforting at a funeral, but it is yet another gross misconception. Religion is actually promoting falsehoods.
![]() What's worse is the religious right thinks climate
change is a hoax, but, on a geological time scale, it means life has only a limited time
left on this planet. David Sloan Wilson: Darwin's Cathedral Commandment 1: Use your head. Major traditional religions teach from
the ancient books that,
in many respects, we know now are false. That is a major
source of our polarised politics. We have learned a lot in the last 2000 years. We have instruments that established that the earth is not the center of the universe, it is not flat, and it is, as far as we can see, quite unique. Peering deep into the cosmos, we now know that it is the only place that we can survive. It is an accidental space ship. At one time when population was much smaller, we did not have to worry that our activity would destroy earth's ability to support humanity. Now we do. Our values need to change so that we do not destroy our only home. Although, compared to human lifespan, it appears that the environment is stable, on a geological time-scale it is clear that rapid change is occurring as ice caps melt, the oceans acidify, species go extinct, glaciers melt, forests shrink, storms get more severe, fisheries collapse ... Maybe earth IS the garden of eden. Commandment #2: Look at the Evidence Unity of KnowledgeScience is evolving our increasingly improving knowledge. Religion has been resisting it. Getting it right is becoming a matter of survival of the species. E. O. Wilson: Consilience discusses the unity of all knowledge. Similarly, Einstein attempted to unify all of physics. This assumption has proven extremely productive. Convergence, The Idea at the Heart of Science: Peter Watson The Meaning of It All: Thoughts of a Citizen-Scientist: Richard P. Feynman UniverseAstronomy has shown us that our place in the universe is very limited. We are, at the moment, prisoners on a single planet with no other place to go. In the beginning was the big bang. PBS series. ¨The sun formed 4.5 billion years ago, but it´s got around 6 billion years more before its fuel runs out. It will then flare up, engulfing the inner planets.¨ Martin Rees: On The Future Technology may one day enable us to make places other than earth habitable, but don't count on it any time soon. Perfect Symmetry, In Search For The Beginning of Time by Heinz R. Pagels A Brief History of Time, from Big Bang to Black Holes: Stephen W. Hawking The Origins of the Future: John Gribbin WorldAt present, Earth provides the only example of an environment that sustains the evolution of life. It is a spaceship which we may be destroying. How the earth was formed:
The geological record tells a story. The fossil record, while fragmentary, documents the path taken by evolution. Carbon dating determines age. DNA contains the software of life and we can now simulate its growth and change using large computers. We can even create new life. (See Craig Venter's books. and related work.) Why is
evolution true ? (video) from Stated Clearly. There is growing evidence that we have exceeded the carrying
capacity of the planet, our only home, and our population is still
growing. Over population has destroyed the habitability of many places: Haiti, El Salvador, Easter Island, ....see Jarad Diamond's book "Collapse". For Humanity it's already too late. LifeWe know about DNA and that it is the mechanism that allows life
as we know it. We can use it to trace ancestry, identify
individuals, look for changes, and we can modify it. But it contradicts
traditional religious teachings, so it is still controversial. Evolutionary developmental biology Daniel Dennet: Darwin's Dangerous Idea. From Bacteria to Bach and Back: Daniel C Dennett The Creation, An Appeal to Save Life on Earth, E. O. Wilson ManWe can map the paths taken by our ancestors from Africa and to other parts of the world. DNA provides forensic evidence. See Jared Diamond's: Guns, Germs, and Steel Religions that deny evolution also deny
certain fundamental properties of people. Viewing people as exceptional and unrelated
to the rest of the environment, they are often racists,
and propel culture wars. To continue business as usual, they urge people to be fruitful and multiply.
They think it is not important to
preserve the planet. They are like Jim
Jones only on a planetary scale. All major religions place women in a lower status. While organized religion demonizes sex outside of marriage, in
the afterlife Muslims promise many virgins, Christians look forward
to either a glorious afterlife or, depending on behavior, an
eternal fire. Heaven is like an affluent lifestyle. Last Ape Standing: Chip
Walter You Are Here, A Portable History of the Universe: Christopher Potter.
The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are divided by politics and
Religion: Jonathan Haidt Support of the StateCommandment #3: Thou shalt not kill or make war except in immediate self-defense. Thou shalt not kill. No exceptions for the state, for foreigners, or even the death penalty. War is a crime. Tribal warfare has always been with us, but, now that nation states have the capability for total destruction, we must stop it if humanity is to survive. Although the ten commandments make pronouncements like "Thou shalt not kill", no major religion rules out war. For some reason, the faithful love guns.
They are inclined to use them on people they disagree
abortion doctors. Medieval religions,
major contributors to terrorism, are a
major enabler of war. Usually they want to take
over the state, and rule according their own 'values' whatever they may be. Thus they
become heavily involved in politics as recent US
experience shows. Because they have little
appreciation for first amendment law that "Congress shall not
establish...", they continue to loudly complain that they cannot
pray in public places including schools. They would teach their
ideology, such as creationism, in primary schools. Traditional religion justifies war.
The ten commandments are only for your own. It's ok to kill non-believers or those of other
states. Perfectly ok to torture
heathens...if you don't kill them so the inquisition was ok. Deuteronomy: Joshua slaughtered all the inhabitants of 400 cities. Large scale slaughter of different religions. Nazis kill Jews and Gypsies. Languages/CultureThere have been few successful attempts to improve language, but we know that many languages have fragmented people and rendered communication between cultures difficult. The incredibly productive language of science is mathematics. Tribalism (nationalism, class, race,
religion, sports, etc ) of various kinds is a motivation
for violence and war. Inclusiveness is fundamental to
civilized behavior. See In the Land of Invented Languages by Arika Okrent. Holy Hullabaloos: A Road Trip to the Battlegrounds of the Church/State Wars: Jay Wexler Ethics: What's Right and WrongMajor traditional religions all have laws, but law need not be from religion. Traditional religion regulates sex, usually
making women second class.
The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and
Religion: Jonthan Haidt Money: A False GodIncome inequality, has a natural
tendency to increase, It is unfair. When extreme, is a fundamental
problem for all institutions including democracy. Knowing that the earth is a spaceship, it is critically important to get resource allocation right. Money (the free market) cannot and will not do the job.) Currently there are many times more money than assets to be claimed. Manipulation of the currency makes a few people very wealthy at the expense of everyone else. The market, since it is run by corporations, does not serve or care about the people. It is on track to destroy the environment. Economic entities, be they corporations
or any other form, must be
required to be good citizens serving the best interests of the
public. Through the eye of the needle. Agenda For A New Economy, David Korten End TimesThe looming climate catastropheThe Food Crisis Migration Forecast apocalypse VideoThe History of the World in 18 MinutesBibliographyConsilience: The Unity of All Knowledge, E O Wilson (free on-line.) Convergence, Peter Watson The World as a Total System: Kenneth E. Boulding The Origins of the Future: John Gribbin A
Brief History of Humankind: lecture series by Yuval
Noah Harari Our Lonely Home in Nature: Alan Lightman The
Language GOD Talks: Herman Wouk The Lasting Lessons of John Conway’s Game of Life (12/28/2020) The Meaning of Human Existence, Edward O. Wilson Convergence, The Idea at the Heart of Science: Peter Watson the Rise and Fall of Adam and Eve by Stephen Greenblatt At The End Of The World, A True Story of Murder in the Arctic, Lawrence Millman Anarchy
Evolution Faith, Science and Bad Religion in a World Without God: Greg Graffin & Steve Olson Convergence, Peter Watson Dreams of a Final Theory: Steven Weinberg The
Language God Talks, On Science and Religion: Herman Wouk The
Moral Arc: Michael Shermer The Island of Knowledge, the Limits of Science and the Search for Meaning: Mrcelo Gleiser The Evolution of Beauty, Richard Prum the God Delusion Richard Dawkins God is Not Great: Christopher Hitchens A review of Sam Harris' fine book: The End of Faith The Story of Earth, the first 4.5 billion years from stardust to living planet: Robert M. Hazen The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Values: Sam Harris The Atheists Guide to Reality: Alex Rosenberg. Religion for Atheists: A Non-Believers's Guide to the Uses of
Religion: Alain de Botton Ishmael: Daniel Quinn American theocracy - the peril and politics of radical religion, oil, and borrowed money in the 21st century: Kevin Phillips. Made in Texas: Michael Lind The Varieties of Scientific Experience: Carl Sagan Divided By God, Noah Feldman The Cross and the Lynching Tree: James Cone Breaking the Spell: Daniel C. Dennett The Scandal of Evangelical Politics: Ronald Sider Fall From Grace - Fred Phelps (Part 1 of 8) (documentary) Misquoting Jesus: Bart Ehrman Kingdom Coming: Michelle Goldberg The End of Days: Gershom Gorenberg Letter to a Christian Nation: Sam Harris God: the Failed Hypotheses: Victor Stenger Freethinkers: Susan Jacoby Sleeping with Extra-Terrestrials: Wendy Kaminer The Quotable Atheist: Jack Huberman Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds:
Charles MacKay Why I am not a Christian: Bertrand Russell God, the Devil, and Darwin: Niall Shanks Atheism: The Case Against God: George H. Smith The Tenacity of Unreasonable Beliefs, Fundamentalism and the Fear of Truth: Solomon Schimmel Religion Gone Bad: Mel White Blind Faith, the Unholy Alliance of Religion and Medicine: Richard P. Sloan, Ph.D FilmThe God Who Wasn't There
(Watch It On-Line) Lake of Fire (2006 Movie) Links |