Republicans Want The Economy to Fail So They Can Win The Next Election and reward their Wealthy Donors.

It is often said that a businessman like Donald Trump or Elon Musk will know how to put America's fiscal house in order. But between Trump's planned tax cuts and Musk's absurd estimate of how much federal spending can be reduced, the smart money says they have no idea what they are doing. Jeffrey Frankel Nov 21, 2024

It is conventional wisdom that you can't time the market, but if you look at the history it is a fact that the economy does better under Democrats than Republicans. In 20/20 hindsight it is best to reduce stock market exposure when Republicans are in office.

I think there are many reasons. Republicans remove regulations that stabilize the economy, they remove progressivity from taxes, they passionately oppose unions suppressing democracy in the workplace, reducing antitrust promotes corporate concentration, and they turn a blind eye to corruption.

There has been massive long term damage from Republican policy. Most wealth has been extracted to the top .01%. It will get worse as Republicans implement tax cuts for the wealthy at the expense of the vulnerable.

"Societies characterized by enduring deep divisions of income and wealth, such as most third-world societies, are wounded societies with little sense of the common good... As America drifts in this direction, ending poverty and redistributing income should be at the top of the national agenda." Charles Derber, Corporation Nation

Institutions have been corrupted. Government is an oligarchy. The most threatening challenges are being ignored.

Republicans have been keen to dismantle the automatic economic stabilizers put in place in the 1930s. They are always ready to pare down social programs, don't think healthcare for all is worth working for, helped to revoke the Glass-Steagle Law that protected taxpayers from speculators, and now taxpayers again are on the hook.

The Republican agenda has had a devastating effect on the middle class. Since Reagan, wages have fallen, families need two paychecks, benefits cut, pensions all but disappeared, and in the latest round of Republican cuts even the most vulnerable are losing life support. Just to be sure everyone is miserable their budget would cut Social Security, roll back health care reform, revise Medicare so that it is a voucher program, cut head start programs, make higher education more unaffordable. But deliver tax cuts to the wealthy. Their religion will reward you...after you are dead. They are pro-life for the unborn, not so much the living.

Business consolidation, formerly discouraged by ant-trust law, also consolidates wealth for obscenely paid CEOs. The graduated income tax might have been a counterbalance, but it has been all but eliminated. All the Republican Presidential candidates favored a flat tax, which is highly regressive, and a gift to their already weathy donors.

The Republican zeal for deregulation assured that the market would become a wrecking ball, and it did. They are actively pushing to roll back Dodd-Frank.
Still, they have not acknowledged that markets are NOT self regulating, and that it is the job of government to see that fraud and wild speculation are not acceptable, especially when taxpayers ultimately have to take the loss.

The partisan Supreme Court consistently ruled that corporations only goal is to make money, not to serve people. The Supreme Court is not bound by ethical rules that bind lower courts, but they certainly should be. (Chris Murphy is working on it.) The Citizens United decision will short circuit our elections and destroy our republic. 

Corporations, no patriots, offshored any work they could to low wage countries with no protection for the environment so they could make money. The world's largest military cannot keep a few people with box cutters from doing immense damage, but Republicans want to keep funding it as though it makes sense because the military-industrial-Congressional complex rules.

So we are back to a gilded age. Republicans, paid by oligarchs, want tax cuts for their wealthy donors, but are willing to cut life support for everyone else. The middle class is sinking fast so it cannot spend money to keep the economy running. Business, seeing no demand, will not expand except in off-shore markets where there is opportunity. Corporate money is also fleeing for 'friendly' tax havens. Money can move to find opportunity, people can not.

Impoverishing the middle class and rendering education unaffordable makes the work force more subservient. No more protests. High unemployment leaves minimum wage jobs the only ones aside from the military. Universal surveillance keeps them in line. Militarized police will be well equipped to deal with gun lovers.

Corporate consolidation continues. Banks are even larger now than when they were too big to fail. The economic calm that followed the New Deal will not be restored because market regulation is not adequate. Expect chronic high unemployment, volatile market action, and, despite Republican denial, climate change is a looming threat. Destruction of the planet now seems assured.

Republicans don't listen to informed opinion, they prefer Fox, the megaphone for the vast right-wing conspiracy.

It is no coincidence that the best educated communities are the most liberal. See maps showing data for States.

Republicans are focused on jobs? House Republicans have not passed a single jobs-related piece of legislation during their majority. Felix Salmon is appropriately scathing: "It's downright bonkers to think that... government spending reduces job creation, while pushing for ever-larger spending cuts is the way to be ... focused on jobs."  7/8/2011 from Salon

Civilization will continue to decline because Republicans dream of a world dominating empire with the world's largest military. They would roll back healthcare reform and have no plans to improve our poor system. They don't care about climate degradation, so kids will have it even worse as more of the planet becomes uninhabitable and massive waves of immigrants flee for new homes. Rs have reneged on international treaties: the Paris agreement, the WHO, the Geneva Conventions, declared pre-emptive wars (a war crime), ignored the Non-Proliferation treaty which sought to eliminate nuclear weapons, worked to undermine the UN, refused to join the International Criminal Court, and otherwise broke international laws.

Expect fascism and misery because Republicans in office don't care if there is a functioning government. The dictionary definition of Fascism is rule by corporations and thanks to Republicans we've got that.

if Republicans continue to be elected, which they might considering their dirty tricks, here's the forecast .

The scam was this: The banks unloaded their debts onto the taxpayer, and then the fiscal hawks dutifully began screaming about how we were drowning in debt and how Social Security and Medicare were responsible. Cuts in your earned benefits will pay for the banks bad loans. Beautiful !: Mike Lofgren, The Party is Over
"What the data shows, with regard to most issues, we do not need to speculate about the future, for we already know what the past has shown us namely, that it is Republican policies that have repeatedly, regularly, and with remarkable consistency brought us large increases in the rate and duration of unemployment, in the frequency, depth, and duration of recessions, and depressions, in socio-economic inequalities in wealth and income, and in rates of suicide, homicide, and (since the mid-1970's) imprisonment and capital punishments; and it is Democratic policies that have brought us equally large decreases in all of those destructive phenomena (even in imprisonment and capital punishment, as the contrast between the Red and Blue States shows.)" James Gilligan: Why Some Politicians are More Dangerous Than Others.
DAVID CAY JOHNSTON: "And, in fact, we have redistribution in this country, but it is very much upward. You know, the phrase "trickle-down" was invented to mock Ronald Reagan’s tax policies. But the reality is, it’s not trickle-down, it’s Amazon-up, Niagara-up. And all you have to do is look at the data. From 1961 through 2007, the bottom 90 percent of Americans saw their income rise little tiny amount. But if you’re in the top top group of America, the plutocrat class, for every dollar that each person in the bottom 90 percent got after taxes, you got $35.50—$36.50. Your taxes, if you’re in the plutocrat class, fell from a mid-40 percent range down to where Romney is, 15 percent or so. In 2009, we had six people, according to IRS data, who made over $200 million, who paid no income taxes. And we have people who make billion-dollar incomes and can pay no income taxes because of the rules we have that allow people who are hedge fund managers and private equity managers, like Bain & Company, which was the sole property of Mitt Romney, to defer all of their income. Now, how do they live? Just the same way that the guys who create the internet companies, who take a small salary, and the company pays no dividend, are able to afford their private jets and their mansions: they borrow against their untaxed assets. And they get to live a great life, and . . . —you and I pick up the bill." (From Democracy Now! )
"...what separates successful states from failed ones is whether their governing institutions are inclusive or extractive. Extractive states,...are controlled by ruling elites whose objective is to extract as much wealth as they can from the rest of society and to maintain their own hold on power." (Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson)

A history of economies by President:

🔴 Bush: destroyed the economy

🔵Clinton: fixed the economy

🔴George W: destroyed the economy

🔵Obama: fixed the economy

🔴Trump: destroying the economy

It’s almost as if there’s a pattern here 🤔 #TrumpRecession

— Treason Stickers (@treasonstickers) August 14, 2019
Only a relative handful of Americans have benefited from the credit bubbles, deregulation, and other Reaganomic policies and outcomes since 1980, garnering most of the gains from growth. As economists Daron Acemoglu of MIT and James Robinson of Harvard make clear in their book, Why Nations Fail, such upward income redistribution is the template of economic history. For many thousands of years, mankind has continually labored under an extractive economic model that narrowly benefits the few. Within the framework of this long sweep of history, the Reagan decline is readily categorized as merely another iteration of this traditional pattern. The annual redistribution of gains from growth upward over the span of this decline differs from the usual pattern throughout economic history only in detail and of course, in its gargantuan magnitude: Compared to 1980, the American business community in 2012 was redistributing upward about 5 percentage points of GDP annually from employees, an amount nearly equal to the net export surplus of OPEC oil producers. This is the grandest income redistribution in world history. What Went Wrong, How the 1% hijacked the American middle class... and what other countries got right: George R. Tyler
"Did the United States grow more unequal while Republicans were in power? It sounds crude, but Princeton political scientist Larry Bartels has gone a long way toward proving it. Bartels looked up income growth rates for families at various income percentiles for the years 1948 to 2005, then cross-checked these with whether the president was a Republican or a Democrat. He found two distinct and opposite trends. Under Democrats, the biggest income gains were for people in the bottom 20th income percentile (2.6 percent). The income gains grew progressively smaller further up the income scale (2.5 percent for the 40th and 60th percentiles, 2.4 percent for the 80th percentile, and so on). But under Republicans, the biggest income gains were for people in the 95th percentile (1.9 percent). The income gains grew progressively smaller further down the income scale (1.4 percent for the 80th percentile, 1.1 for the 60th percentile, etc.)." Also note, there's not only a difference in who benefits most, there's also a straight-up difference between the parties: under the GOP, the very wealthy benefit more; under Dems, the middle and lower classes see their incomes grow more. But in literally every category, Americans do better under Democratic administrations than Republican. Washington Monthly (See Bartels' book: Unequal Democracy.
GOP on the economy


U.S. economic performance by presidential party

Republican Presidents' Impact on the Economy (3/4/2021)