Remember that 8 men own the same wealth as half the world.
It is wealth inequality that corrodes democracy,
and it is a hallmark of right-wing, bad government.
We should carefully decide where to draw the line between public
and private.
Privatized healthcare in the US
is not only the world's most expensive, it does not cover a large
fraction of the people, It is highly bureaucratic, and it is not
particularly effective in overall quality. Even so, it is about to
be cut so that Republicans can spend unlimited amounts of money for
tax cuts for the wealthy,
war, and not much for our civilization.
American healthcare, for example, is the most expensive in the
world, doesn't work well, and doesn't even cover everyone. Republicans reject
even the most minimal reforms. Electronichealth records obscenely expensive.
Republicans are determined to privatize public schools.
They call it school choice and they will tell you that charter schools
perform better than public schools. Except they don't. When confronted
with the evidence, the Bush administration decided to stop collecting
the data, a typical Republican response.
Compare other privatized sectors: find oligarchy, expensive
services, downsizing, corruption, off-shoring where possible, ...
Republicans say privatization
is good policy. It is an effective tool to extract wealth from everyone else.
The private sector has enabled a corporate feeding frenzy
for vital social functions like healthcare and pharma,
it is a failure at childcare, or eldercare,
continues to make failed incursions into public education,
public lands.
It is oblivious to the state of the environment, which is systematically
being plundered and destroyed.
Privatized media keeps the public from awareness of these issues.
In the US, the public competes with well-funded lobbyists and usually loses.
Privatization removes functions from public accountability, and
gives them to it
is anti-democratic. Result: Blackwater, Enron, prison-industrial
complex, privatized vote
counting, worst of all money-driven politics.
There is now considerable doubt
about election integrity because
right-wing corporations make the voting machines. Most vote
rigging is computer fraud, but there
is little to prevent it.
Privatizing vote counting
makes elections untrustworthy.
Right wing propaganda (almost all corporate media)
has largely convinced the public that the private sector is more
efficient and more reliable than the public sector. This ought to be open to much broader
discussion because we know that a single payer healthcare
system is much less expensive and more effective than our privatized one.
Privatization under the Bush Jr administration
really was a cover for profiteering for companies like Halliburten, the Carlyle Group, and
other cronies. It is, of course, much worse under Trump.
The deregulated financial sector devoured the productive
economy and through its excessive speculation caused a major market
crash. Now privatization threatens public schools,
the post office, and even Social Security. There is
massive funding for these efforts from oligarchs.
Many Republicans would
privatize Social Security, and they are doing their
best to privatize education as well.
It appears the Post Office is going to have to shrink for the
benefit of private companies. When the Constitution was signed, the
Post Office WAS the media...which is why it is
written into the Constitution. Republicans have all but destroyed
American media.
Although Republicans, particularly, like to believe that
private institutions function better than public ones. Public libraries do
well. Social Security is efficient. Public sector health care
(Medicare) works pretty well, and, according to a Yale study, a single-payer system
would be much more efficient than the insurance bureaucracy controlled,
expensive system for medicine that we have in the U.S.
In 2021 the Federal government has poured
more than $29 billion into health information technology.
Take, for example, software as a product. The first copy requires a
large investment, but after that, the marginal cost of copies is near
zero. Free software (as defined at is steadily improving, and
it has the potential to be a public good. As a matter of public policy,
every citizen should prefer it.
All that money produced proprietary, closed source, unauditable,
software packages, covered by
non-disclosure agreements, of varying security. Naturally, these
packages don't talk to each other because there was no standard.
So, most likely, the doctor's office can't share data with the
hospital, and hospitals cannot share data with each other.
Free software (defined at
is licensed to be shared,
open source, auditable, improved, and built upon.
Software, like other information, is extremely expensive to produce for
the first copy, but every new copy afterwards has
close to zero marginal cost.
Think what 29 billion might have done in the public sector.
If the medical community used free software, many of the
demonstrated problems would disappear.
Since armaments are a major
industry in the US, it is also a (government !!!) jobs program.
Notice that when
Republicans decide it is time to balance the budget that programs
to get cut are always those that actually benefit people: like healthcare, social
security, Medicare, or infrastructure...not the military
Privatization requires the profit motive that corrupts many
industries including media, health care, elder care, pharma.
Capitalism knows no limits,
and that is why it will destroy us.
Make no mistake, they have no particular regard for the public,
only for their own self-serving profit.
Free Software
Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
Private vs Public Comparisons
Stand Up To ALEC
Open Democracy
The Big Myth: How American Business Taught Us to Loathe Government and Love the Free Market
by Naomi Oreskes, Henry Charles Lea Professor of the History of Science, and Erik M. Conway
Privatization of Everything by Donald Cohen and Allen Mikaelian.
The Privatized State by Chiara Cordelli:
Why government outsourcing of public powers is making us less free
Blackwater Jeremy Scahill